Technology leaders’ agenda

To strategically transform, chief information officers (CIOs) and tech leaders need to deliver tech at speed, innovate at scale and put humans at the center.

EY named a leader in The Forrester Wave: AI Service Providers

Our teams scored the highest in the “Strategy“ category with maximum possible scores in the vision, market approach, innovation roadmap and talent strategy criteria.


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  • Embed data centricity and adopt next-gen analytics

    IT预算承受着巨大的压力:虽然探索新技术的潜力巨大——尤其是在云应用程序中,但是为此投入的资金有限甚至出现缩水。 IT的现代化和自动化、解决技术问题、重新构想运营模型、提高弹性和提高安全性对于公司将自身定位于技术和数据密集型业务环境来说至关重要。领先的公司在使IT现代化的同时,也投资建立数字基础设施以推动长期增长。

  • Invest in the four foundational technologies — cloud, data & analytics, AI & ML and IoT

    Cloud, data and analytics, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), and the Internet of Things (IoT) together constitute the foundation for a successful digital transformation. Select the right technology stack – based on sector priorities and near- and long-term strategic objectives – to meet transformation needs. Then identify the right use cases for technology investments in skills and tools to support transformation vision.

  • Change as fast as your consumers

    可信数据和AI是获得价值驱动和货币化洞察的快速途径。安永全球咨询数据和分析负责人比比阿特丽斯·桑斯·赛兹(Beatriz Sanz Sáiz)表示:“未来,AI将被嵌入进核心流程中。这样,公司将变得更聪明。” 专注于问题和机遇所在的领域–客户体验、产品创新和个性化、供应链和运营、定价–并将AI集成到相关的流程和业务需求中。


  • Nurture ecosystem partnerships to accelerate and maximize value

    Ecosystems play a critical role in accelerating transformation and maximizing value. When aligned to an organization’s specific needs, they allow access to a wide portfolio of technology tools and relevant talent to support transformation. Choose the right ecosystem business model to reduce risk and improve the value of interactions with participants.

  • Make strategic moves in the race for talent

    安永全球PAS解决方案和PAS劳动力咨询主管丽兹·菲莉(Liz Fealy)表示:“未聚焦于以人为本和解决技能差距问题的组织,面临着生产力、创新和增长方面的严重竞争风险。”技术领导者需要可见性,以了解当前和将来的技能差距,并相应地制定“建立、购买和借用”人才干预措施。招募稀缺的技能组,或者从行业生态系统、大有前途的领导者和团队中引进,通过提升他们的数字化、适应和敏捷能力,从技术和职能的角度重新打磨技能,以实现商业目标。

  • Manage risk and maintain trust among stakeholders




    2019年4月11日 Nigel Duffy

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