In an era of fluid change – how can we create better change experiences?

In an era of fluid change – how can we create better change experiences?

Amongst growing disruption, increased complexity and heightened employee expectations, next generation change management can drive improved transformation outcomes.

Related topics Workforce

As transformation moves away from being an option and towards a mere necessity, we invite you to join us as we will:

  • Talk around ways of addressing change in the 2020s
  • Present principles for creating a better change experience 
  • Introduce you to Change Insights, our tool for capturing volumes of near real-time data on employee sentiment, behaviours, involvement and readiness
  • Go into concrete examples on how we support change management

Welcome to join the webinar!


  • Daniel Brämhagen, Head of Workforce Advisory in EY Sweden
  • Marcus Haddrell, UKI People Advisory Services (PAS) Leader, Energy and Resources
This webinar is part of our HR Leaders’ agenda webcast series. You can find more info about the series  here.


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