
Blockchains will do for networks of enterprises and business ecosystems what enterprise resource planning (ERP) did for the single company.

Blockchain will integrate information and process within and across enterprise boundaries and has the potential to streamline and accelerate your business processes, increase protection against cybersecurity and reduce or eliminate the roles of intermediaries.

Erfahren Sie hier mehr darüber, wie Blockchain auch Ihrem Unternehmen zu mehr Erfolg verhelfen kann.

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Watch the EY Global Blockchain Leader on CNBC

Paul Brody discusses South Korea's new anti-money laundering regulations for crypto exchanges.

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Explore EY Blockchain Platforms

Our blockchain solutions can help transform the business lifecycle for digital ecosystems.

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HFS Research

In the Top 10 Enterprise Blockchain Services 2020 Report, EY ranked first among the Big Four, third overall

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Forrester Research

“Seize the day: public blockchain is on the horizon,” reveals private blockchain limitations and benefits of public blockchain

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