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Spotlight on BEPS 2.0: developments and practical implications for US MNEs

In this webcast, topics to be covered include recent BEPS 2.0 activity around the globe and potential US Congressional response to BEPS 2.0.

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Jurisdictions are enacting and proposing legislation implementing the Pillar Two rules developed under the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development/G20’s project on addressing the tax challenges of the digitization of the economy (BEPS 2.0). Global minimum tax rules are set to take effect as soon as 2024, and many multinational entities (MNEs) still have a lot to do to prepare.

Join Pillar Two subject-matter professionals for an action-oriented panel discussion, moderated by EY’s Jose Murillo, National Tax Department Leader and former US Department of the Treasury Deputy Assistant Secretary (International Tax Affairs). Topics to be covered include:

  • Recent BEPS 2.0 activity around the globe
  • US Congressional response to BEPS 2.0
  • Practical considerations with the Transitional Country-by-Country Report Safe Harbor


  • Colleen O’Neill, Director of International Tax and Transaction Services, National Tax Department, Ernst & Young LLP
  • Anna Voortman, Principal, International Tax and Transaction Services, National Tax Department, Ernst & Young LLP


  • Jose Murillo, National Tax Department Leader; Partner, Ernst & Young LLP

EY webcast managed and produced by Ernst & Young LLP’s Tax Technical Knowledge Services Group, Washington, DC: Lynn Fairfax


CPE credits: 1.2

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