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How insurers can leverage the power of generative AI

In this webcast, EY and Microsoft leaders will discuss how generative AI can fundamentally reshape the insurance industry, from underwriting and risk assessment, to claims processing and customer service.

Join us for a webcast exploring the future of insurance powered by generative AI. Discover the groundbreaking ways that AI is transforming the insurance landscape and learn how you can leverage these technologies to gain a competitive edge in the market while effectively managing the associated risks. You will hear from EY and Microsoft insurance industry leaders who will discuss how AI can fundamentally reshape the insurance industry, from underwriting and risk assessment, to claims processing and customer service. Gain insights into Azure OpenAI capabilities and the controls needed to effectively manage privacy, bias and legal risks when leveraging this technology.

Key questions that will be addressed are:

  • Why generative AI, and what’s changed?
  • How can my organization use the recent AI advancements to enhance customer experience and engagement, offer personalized products and services, and apply better pricing strategies?
  • What risks should I be aware of, and how do I protect my organization from them?
  • What are my peers doing in this space? Am I ahead or behind?
  • How can I verify that generative AI is used ethically and responsibly within my organization?
  • What are the advantages of Azure OpenAI compared with other generative AI models in the market?
  • How can I integrate generative AI into my organization’s existing technology infrastructure and processes to drive better business outcomes?


  • Rob Fannon – Microsoft Financial Services Data & AI Leader
  • Chris Raimondo – EY Americas Insurance Technology Leader
  • Vidhya Sekhar – EY Americas Financial Services Data and Analytics Leader
  • Sankar Virdhagriswaran– EY Americas Financial Services AI Lead


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