Case Study
The better the question The better the answer The better the world works
Case Study

A digital transformation powers innovation

A technology-driven business transformation has equipped a global investment manager to innovate and grow.

IT Engineer Configuring Servers
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The better the question

Are you transforming your technology or transforming your business?

Modernizing a firm’s technology and operating model.

We helped a global investment manager carry out a major technology-driven transformation in order to fuel innovation, drive growth and reduce risk.

The company needed a replacement for its core investment platform across all asset classes and turned to us for support in helping it deliver the project successfully. We have in-depth knowledge of the software it chose, coupled with a track record of supporting clients through similarly complex reinventions.

Factory management discussing.
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The better the answer

From fragmentation to consolidation

Using our industry knowledge to integrate a new platform.

Getting the technology right is only one element of projects such as this. Our experienced team adopted a holistic approach, considering all components of the investment management operating model, including data, people, processes and governance.

“Because we have worked on similar projects with other leading asset management firms and also know the client very well, we were able to highlight potential pitfalls and suggest ways to accelerate progress,” explains Dean Brown, Wealth & Asset Management Partner at Ernst & Young. “Change is a tough thing in big organizations, and by bringing a proven methodology and tools we were able to help them through it.”

The company had a legacy system architecture that had developed over the course of two decades and was highly fragmented. Switching to the new platform presented an opportunity to create a single consolidated global view across all asset classes.

Thanks to our knowledge of the new system and our strong relationship with the software provider, we were able to deploy a range of specially developed tools and accelerators to get the project moving swiftly from the outset. We supported the business in integrating the new platform by augmenting in-house teams across multiple investment desks and functions, including risk and investment performance. We also led selected work streams.

Man working in data center.
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The better the world works

Opening doors to innovation

Harnessing the use of AI and RPA to improve efficiency.

The two-year project was completed successfully and the core platform is handling all fundamental processes, meaning the company now has the opportunity to channel time and investment into innovation. Our consultants are helping the client explore the use of artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance investment decision-making, and the potential of robotics process automation (RPA) to reduce the burden and cost of administrative tasks.

Deep industry knowledge and technological expertise helped EY to deliver this major transformation project successfully. Our longstanding relationship with the company, which considers us a strategic adviser, was also key.

“Companies only go through this type of transformation once every 10 or 15 years,” says Sarah Clarricoats, Senior Manager, Ernst & Young. “It can be quite daunting, so having people from EY to give them confidence and steer them in the right direction is hugely valuable.”

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