EY Navigate

In Tax

EY Navigate™ reduces employees’ uncertainty in their financial futures by providing clarity around complex tasks — such as debt management and retirement planning — and developing personalized action plans.

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Employee access to EY Navigate™ includes three integrated financial wellness services:

  • EY Navigate™ Planner Line:  Direct access to EY financial planners for objective and confidential financial planning and benefits guidance.
  • EY Navigate™ Digital website and app:  Self-service financial planning with access to goal planning, calculators, articles, videos, webinars and secure access to your EY financial planner.
  • EY Navigate™ Group Learning:  Custom financial education and benefits-focused workshops and webinars, from short topical sessions to full day career-based sessions and change management content.

What EY Navigate can do for you

EY Navigate is a hybrid digital-human financial wellness service that gives employees an actionable roadmap to navigate the twists and turns of their financial journey. 

EY Navigate features and benefits include:

  • A personalized approach. EY Navigate can help your employees’ progress toward the financial goals that matter most to them and their families.
  • User-friendly access. EY Navigate is available through a website, mobile app and phone line. This multichannel approach allows employees to utilize the options that work best for them.
  • Dedicated, objective financial planners. EY Navigate financial planners are highly credentialed professionals available to assist employees with only their interests in mind, not products or sales of any kind.
  • A thoughtful, results-oriented approach. EY Navigate meets employees where they are and then over time supports them in building healthier financial habits and long-term financial wellness.
  • Secure account aggregation and access. EY Navigate Digital offers account aggregation, easy-to-use calculators, videos and other tools to support financial planning in a secure online environment.
  • Work with a Planner. A secure connection to your EY financial planner via the website and app for messaging, appointments and document sharing.  Work with a Planner provides a bridge between the digital and planner components of EY Navigate.
  • Customized financial education. Workshops and webinars introduce planning topics, reinforce the value of company benefits and encourage participants to develop personal action plans and take next steps to improve their financial future.

How does EY Navigate benefit employers?

Your workforce is one of your greatest assets. When they experience financial stress, that stress can have a trickle-down effect on organizational success and employee effectiveness. Because of that, leading employers are increasingly offering comprehensive financial wellness services to their employees.

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