How to use products and packaging to advance the circular economy

In this episode, Chris Hagler and Mark Weick discuss how product design and manufacturing can advance the circular economy by reducing the impacts of consumer products.

The global production and use of food and consumer goods has a large impact on our environment and is anticipated to experience a tremendous increase. One study estimates that the growth of the global middle class by 2030 will result in consumers adding the equivalent of a second United States to global consumption.

3M is one consumer products business that is pursuing innovative changes to manufacturing and design to advance the circular economy. By thinking holistically about the impacts of manufacturing and product changes, 3M has shown that it is possible to reduce waste while achieving characteristics like enhanced product performance and even elevated end user efficiency.

In this episode of Sustainability Matters, podcast host Chris Hagler is joined by guests Ann Meitz, Vice President of Sustainability and Packaging Innovation at 3M and Mark Weick, Managing Director in EY’s Climate Change and Sustainability Practice, and circular economy services lead. Together they discuss opportunities for circular transformation including product design, material sourcing, reselling byproducts, right-to-repair, and end-of-life management.

Key takeaways include:

  • Effective circularity calls for organizational partnerships with non governmental organizations (NGOs), other businesses, waste management companies, as well as cross-functional collaboration to improve the recycling supply chain. Consider partnerships with organizations increasing consumer awareness, material recyclers, and organizations pursuing advanced recycling for complex materials.
  • Reevaluate byproducts and waste beyond their current value – consider situations where these materials can be alternatives to raw materials that have become expensive or are facing supply chain challenges.
  • Create demand for recycled content materials – this supports the recycling supply chain, and also has marketing advantages supported by increased consumer preferences for these products.

For your convenience, full text transcript of this podcast is also available. Read the transcript.


Mark Weick
Managing Director, Climate Change and Sustainability Services, Ernst & Young LLP


Season 3, Episode 4

Duration 38m 05s

In this series

Series overview
(Event List - Manual)

How to engage employees for ESG goals

In this episode of Sustainability Matters podcast, WeSpire Founder Susan Hunt Stevens shares best practices in achieving a company’s ESG goals.

Season 3, Episode 3

39m 20s


EY Americas

Multidisciplinary professional services organization

How companies are inspiring change through climate commitments

In this episode of Sustainability Matters podcast, EY market leaders and Chris Hagler discuss how businesses slow down the climate crisis.

Season 3, Episode 2

35m 33s


Stephen J. Auton-Smith

Ernst & Young Infrastructure Advisors, LLC Managing Director

How to use sustainability to build an enterprise

In this episode, EY’s Chris Hagler and Cox Cleantech Vice President Steve Bradley discuss the importance of sustainability in a business.

Season 3, Episode 1

40m 56s


EY Americas

Multidisciplinary professional services organization

How to integrate natural capital into business decision making

EY’s Chris Hagler welcomes Mark Gough and Carter Ingram to discuss the integration of natural capital into corporate decision making.

Season 2, Episode 6

36m 27s


EY Americas

Multidisciplinary professional services organization

How data and technology can drive clean energy

In this episode, EY’s Chris Hagler welcomes back Jules Kortenhorst and Klair White to continue their discussion on clean energy technology.

Season 2, Episode 5

23m 56s


EY Americas

Multidisciplinary professional services organization

How the energy transition is being impacted

In this episode, EY’s Chris Hagler welcomes Jules Kortenhorst and Klair White to discuss the factors in the transition to cleaner energy.

Season 2, Episode 4

21m 36s


EY Americas

Multidisciplinary professional services organization

How are investors integrating ESG into their decision making

This unique episode is a recording of a panel discussion on how investors are integrating ESG into their decision making.

Season 2, Episode 3

55m 56s


EY Americas

Multidisciplinary professional services organization

How ESG issues are being discussed in the boardroom amidst COVID-19

Dealing with COVID-19 has risen to the top of the board agenda, and it has changed how we interact, work and think about impact.

Season 2, Episode 2

29m 54s


EY Americas

Multidisciplinary professional services organization