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How the consumer is transforming the food system

This episode of the Food System Reimagined series features Rob Dongoski, Partner, Ernst & Young LLP and EY Food & Agribusiness Leader and Nigel Hughes, Former Kellogg Company’s SVP — Global Innovation and Research.

In the inaugural episode of this podcast series, the discussion covers how changing consumer tastes, preferences and behaviors are driving disruptions across the food industry. Our guests share strategies to help you deliver key priorities, including consumer-centric operations, vertical integration, consumer and producer relationships, consumer data and listening strategies, food system transparency, segmentation and more. 

Learning outcomes:

  • Consumer centricity has shifted from knowing the mass consumer to knowing more intimately the role food plays in people’s lives across various cultures, subcultures, regions and more.
  • Consumers are going beyond just looking at affordability and taste as the main factors in their buying decisions.
  • As consumer demands shift, there are opportunities to create value and lasting impact across the food system. 


  • Sarah Nolet, food systems innovation expert and cofounder of Tenacious Ventures


  • Rob Dongoski, Partner, Ernst & Young LLP and EY Food & Agribusiness Leader
  • Nigel Hughes, Former Kellogg Company’s SVP of Global Innovation and Research and Development

For your convenience, full text transcript of this podcast is also available. Read the transcript.


Episode 1

Duration 36m 06s