man reaching screen air traffic control

How firms can use risk to their advantage

In this episode of the Agents of Change podcast, EY’s Roger Park is joined by Amy Brachio, EY Global and Americas Advisory Risk Leader and Cindy Doe, EY Financial Services Advisory Principal, for a discussion on digital risk and how financial services firms can leverage risk to their strategic advantage.

For your convenience, full text transcript of this podcast is also available. Read the transcript


Roger Park
EY Americas Innovation Leader
Amy Brachio
EY Global Vice Chair - Sustainability
Cindy Doe
EY Americas Advisory Risk Leader


Episode 05

Duration 24m 14s

In this transformative age, how risk is managed will become the key to unlocking the strategic upside of disruption. Advanced analytics and AI, robotic process automation and cloud-driven models have enabled firms to create new products and services; enhance access and experience for customers; and strengthen controls and drive down costs. As technology evolves, financial institutions today face two challenges: the first is thinking about digitizing risk management and its processes, and the second is managing risks to the entire organization as it becomes more digital.

Learning outcomes 

  • The risk function needs to disrupt itself. It needs to change from being a defensive tool into becoming a core component of strategic development, helping the organization find ways to both maintain existing product lines and invest appropriately in the new and what’s coming next.
  • It’s going to be critically important that the risk professional of the future have a seat at the table with the C-suite, with the leaders of transformation, bringing that mindset to deliver value and trust throughout the organization.

In this series

Series overview
(Event List - Manual)

How financial services organizations can industrialize innovation

In this episode of the Agents of Change podcast series, EY’s Roger Park is joined by Kevin Koenig for a discussion exploring key findings that emerged from a recently commissioned study by Forrester Consulting on behalf of EY.

Episode 04

23m 44s


Roger C Park

EY Americas Innovation Leader

How firms can create effective digital transformation

In this episode of the Agents of Change podcast series, EY’s Roger Park is joined by William Beer and Sundeep Nehra for a discussion focusing on the importance of maintaining a robust cybersecurity plan within the financial services world, and beyond.

Episode 03

21m 01s


Roger C Park

EY Americas Innovation Leader