Concrete tunnel to green trees

What banks need to consider when implementing ESG into their operating models

In this episode, we discuss the impact environmental, social and governance (ESG) is having on the banking industry.

Anshu Agarwal, a principal in the EY Corporate, Commercial and SME Banking practice, joins the podcast for a discussion on how ESG is reshaping the banking sector and highlights the necessary changes to operating models and strategies to meet the evolving demands of shareholders, consumers and regulators. ESG will be a key factor in top-of-the-house strategic decision-making, and banking leaders need to be ready to adapt and fully integrate the principles into their business model.

Moderated by Andrew Patison, Senior; Corporate, Commercial and SME Banking (CCSB) Consulting, Ernst & Young LLP

Key takeaways:

  1. From investors to clients to regulators, banks need to be aware of the growing emphasis on ESG from their stakeholders.
  2. It is important to understand how ESG can be integrated into the credit lifecycle. It doesn’t have to be a teardown of an existing model. ESG can be integrated into existing operations.
  3. For ESG commitments to make an impact, there needs to be top-down commitment from banking leaders, not just greenwashing.


Anshu Agarwal
Principal, Corporate, Commercial and SME Banking (CCSB), Ernst & Young LLP


Duration 09m 03s

In this series

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Bob Wider

Senior Manager, Corporate, Commercial and SME Banking (CCSB), Consulting, Ernst & Young LLP