Photographic portrait of Patrick Niemann
Good corporate governance is critical for strengthening capital markets and building a better working world. What corporate directors do — and what we do to help them — matters now more than ever.

Pat Niemann

EY Americas Audit Committee Forum Leader

Community champion. Family man. USC Trojan alum.

As leader of the EY Audit Committee Forum, Pat is responsible for the EY Center for Board Matters’ audit committee services throughout the Americas, overseeing our efforts to support individual directors and audit committees in their oversight roles.

He previously managed Ernst & Young LLP’s Los Angeles audit practice and served other leadership roles. In serving these roles, Pat always maintained direct client-serving responsibilities.

Pat is a graduate of the University of Southern California’s Marshall School of Business, where he is a recipient of the Leventhal Distinguished Service Award. He has been active in his local community, serving on numerous nonprofit boards working toward important charitable missions and civic causes.

How Patrick is building a better working world 

Pat takes great pride in helping to educate current and future corporate directors to most effectively serve their important oversight roles and enhance corporate governance, on which the capital markets and business world so greatly rely.

Pat believes that it is important for business professionals to give back and has volunteered extensively in his local community. 

Contact Patrick