Employee health and wellbeing

    COVID-19 enterprise resilience checklist

    To navigate the now, next and beyond of the COVID-19 pandemic, organizations must focus on their most valuable asset: their people. Read on for checklists, insights and more about employee health and safety.

    Key considerations

    Chief human resources officers (CHROs) should focus on protecting their people from the public health threat.

    • Provide leadership communication and engagement with the workforce throughout the pandemic, informed by national and global public health guidelines
    • Educate employees about COVID-19 symptoms and prevention; review sick leave policies and establish procedures to support employees through this period
    • Help enable safe remote working environments in collaboration with IT
    • Where work continues to be completed in the workplace, team with operations to provide epidemic protection — e.g., personal protective equipment, sanitation
    • Identify and support stranded colleagues in transit and globally mobile colleagues and their families

    CHROs should focus on maintaining employee trust and leading through disruption.

    • Educate the workforce on how to manage their teams remotely
    • Create and execute a strategy to address employee well-being issues such as awareness and utilization of employee health benefits, isolation and childcare responsibilities
    • Encourage and support virtual communities to foster connectivity
    • Deploy remote work pulse surveys to gauge sentiment and productivity, leveraging analytics tools
    • Understand new travel restrictions and impact on colleagues and operations
    • Think creatively around maintaining workforce capability but reducing short-term capacity (e.g., reduced hours, furloughs)

    It is important to operate in a new normal and enable the business to better respond to future disruptions.

    • Adapt business planning to incorporate new scenarios and gather lessons learned to better prepare for future crises
    • Reimagine employee experience and ask your workforce for reactions
    • Embed well-being policies and working practices into the corporate DNA
    • Develop incentives for employees that proactively engage in preventive care
    • Evaluate workplaces and facilities to mitigate the impact of future public health threats where possible
    • Implement new products and services to emphasize HR as a critical enabler of people value and business outcomes
    • Incorporate agile and digital talent upskilling and reskilling into your learning strategy

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