4 minute read 10 Jan 2019
Happy man graduating

How College MAP has changed young lives

By Carolina Dominguez-Pasaoglu

EY Americas Mentoring Programs Leader

Agent for positive social change. Working to help build a better working world by driving equity in education in underserved and underrepresented communities.

4 minute read 10 Jan 2019

EY College MAP continues to deliver on its commitment to support the next generation

Hailed as one of the most innovative and high-impact corporate volunteer programs focused on mentoring in the US, College MAP (Mentoring for Access and Persistence), is a model of private sector mentoring to support access to education for underserved youth and develop future generations of talent.

We are so very proud of our passionate EY College MAP mentors and the students who are working hard to attain their college dreams.

About EY College MAP

In the US, up to 65% of jobs require post-secondary education, but too many underserved high school students don’t consider going to college. The goal can seem too distant, the application process too confusing, the cost too expensive and the rewards too unclear.

EY College MAP addresses this gap by matching employee volunteer mentors with groups of 11th- and 12th-graders in underserved high schools throughout the US so that they can gain access to college and succeed in higher education. The program helps demystify the process of applying to and affording college, encouraging students who might not otherwise have considered it an option. We then work with students to build the skills and the confidence they need to persist in completing their post-secondary goals.

Mentoring also supercharges employee engagement. EY employees who are College MAP mentors have longer average tenures with EY and are more likely to receive higher performance ratings than colleagues at similar ranks. College MAP mentors are also more likely to have leading-class employee engagement, which ultimately impacts our business and bottom line.

College MAP is making an impact. Since 2009:



Have helped


underserved students.

EY professionals have invested


hours for mentoring youth in underserved communities.

There is participation across


cities in the US.

Through College MAP,


of College MAP Scholars graduate from high school



of College MAP Scholars go on to college or post-secondary training programs

With the help of


from the Ernst & Young Foundation.


As part of our commitment to increase access to education, we collaborate with MENTOR, the unifying champion for quality youth mentoring in the United States. Gerry Dixon, EY Managing Partner, East Region Accounts and Business Development, and Nancy Altobello, retired EY Global Vice Chair, Talent, serve on MENTOR’s national Board of Directors. Nancy also serves as the Board Chair. We also sponsor the annual MENTOR conference, bringing together champions of youth mentoring from the private, public and nonprofit sectors to share leading practices and develop a shared viewpoint about the best paths forward.

EY and CFES Brilliant Pathways

To implement the program, Ernst & Young LLP (EY) collaborates with CFES Brilliant Pathways, a not-for-profit organization committed to raising the academic aspirations of underserved youth, so that they can prepare for, gain access to and succeed in college. Over the last 25+ years, CFES Brilliant Pathways has helped thousands of underserved youth in 800 schools nationwide strengthen their academic performance, graduate from high school and go on to college.

CFES Brilliant Pathways provides a wealth of experience in curriculum development and a network of university relationships. Together, EY and CFES Brilliant Pathways identify the young people who need the most support and work to deliver EY College MAP directly to them.

What our people are saying:

College MAP levels the playing field for first-generation college-bound students
Carolina Dominguez, College MAP Program Leader

Mentorship is not what it used to be, and that’s a good thing
Carolyn Slaski, Americas Vice Chair – Talent and College MAP National Executive Sponsor

Forging a better future through mentoring
Nick Wade, Tax Partner and College MAP Executive Sponsor – Charlotte

Mentoring at the intersection of passion and purpose
Anthony J. Carmello, Partner, Consulting, and College MAP Executive Sponsor –Chicago, Ernst & Young LLP

Mentoring makes the difference
Jeff Steinberg, Partner, Risk Management, Ernst & Young LLP and College MAP Executive Sponsor – New York

Unmasking the power of connection
Alicia Culpepper, Senior Associate, Finance, Ernst & Young LLP and College MAP access director

Giving students wings
Christopher Cobb, Manager, Advisory, Ernst & Young LLP and College MAP mentor

Big futures begin with mentorship
Darwin K. Johnson II, Associate, Talent Shared Services, Ernst & Young LLP and College MAP mentor

Watch our College MAP Facebook Live event now

The Facebook Live event is hosted by Sam Johnson, EY Americas Vice Chair of Accounts, and Felecia Hatcher, noted entrepreneur, author and mentoring spokesperson. Together, they talk with College MAP participants about the impact that private sector mentoring can make on students’ lives and the business world.

Why mentors matter: Sam

Why mentors matter: Felecia

Why mentors matter: Dania

EY is committed to combating systemic racism in education

We support underserved students through private sector mentoring, charitable grants, and working with the private and public sectors to bridge the digital learning divide. Together, we can reduce educational inequalities.


Through College Mentoring for Access and Persistence (College MAP), our professionals in 37 US cities help to demystify and assist in the process of applying to and affording college, encouraging underserved students who might not have considered applying for college to do so.

About this article

By Carolina Dominguez-Pasaoglu

EY Americas Mentoring Programs Leader

Agent for positive social change. Working to help build a better working world by driving equity in education in underserved and underrepresented communities.