Actuarial services

In Consulting

Major regulatory change, ongoing economic uncertainty, technology-driven turbulence and increasing consumer expectations are challenges that offer the key to profitability for insurers who make the right strategic, investment and operational changes. We can help you make informed decisions in this transformative age.  

What EY can do for you

Our work is grounded in an extensive understanding of the financial dynamics of businesses. We develop services to address the most common issues companies similar to yours ask us to solve.

Our extensive global knowledge comes from our work with insurance companies, banks, pension funds, private equity firms, sovereign funds and local regulators. We stay out in front of the challenges the industry faces – so you can, too.

Our services

We provide truly integrated services across all disciplines in the insurance industry. These include:

  • Actuarial robotics

    Robotic process automation (RPA) is a powerful tool to enhance service, quality and efficiency. As a market leader in this field, EY is assisting clients in Finance, Risk & Actuarial teams as they consider the potential for this new technology, as well as using the software to improve EY’s own internal processes.

  • Actuarial transformation and offshoring

    Insurers are looking to consolidate their actuarial systems as they integrate risk and finance reporting in a cost-efficient way.

    They are making significant investments to build their actuarial system and process landscape for the future. These investments include improving standardization and automation, and using selective offshoring and shared services centers.

    We can help companies simplify their actuarial infrastructure and achieve cost efficiency by identifying ways to streamline or offshore/outsource their actuarial and finance reporting processes and then implementing it.

  • Analytics

    We provide analytic and modeling solutions by using our statistical training and practical industry experience analyzing large volumes of data (across financial services and, increasingly, other industries).

    We use our analytical competency and business experience to comprehend complex and disparate business issues, data, information, governance issues and to complete scenario modeling and analysis that can enhance clients’ decision-making on business issues. Our analysis and modeling helps to inform:

    • Strategic direction and the case for change in terms of financial and nonfinancial measures
    • The design of transformations, including the trade-offs in design and value through the application of the actuarial investment model
    • The implementation and monitoring of change through quantifications, indicators and other measures supporting performance or risk management and benefits management
    • Business as usual through the application of the control cycle and embedding the appropriate measures in business reporting
  • Audit and assurance

    Our actuaries provide technical support for the audit of actuarial items recorded on the financial statements of insurance companies.

    With the extensive experience in financial reporting gained in their audit work, the Audit and Assurance actuaries are able to provide assistance to non-audit clients as well in the technical and procedural aspects of financial reporting, including the adoption of new standards, the implementation of new systems, and the review of the accuracy and effectiveness of existing actuarial calculations and processes.

  • Banking and capital markets quantitative consulting services

    We develop and validate quantitative risk measurement methodologies for banks and commodity industries covering credit, market and operational risk.

    We also value complex derivative instruments and structured debt for a wide range of corporate clients.

  • Capital

    Whether driven by regulators, investors, rating agencies or internal stakeholders, the capital requirements of insurers are numerous and complex.

    Firms are subject to a number of capital measures, driven by rating agencies and analysts, as well as local and international regulators. We help our clients understand and manage the numerous metrics, as well as working with them to help them form their own views on their capital needs.

    Increasingly insurers are expected to run complex in-house models to calculate their capital requirements. We work with our clients to help them build, test and maintain these models as well as supporting them with the communication of the results.

    Working alongside our clients, we help them manage their stakeholders, from interpreting and complying with regulatory requirements to providing board-level comfort on the quality of any in-house models.

  • Cyber risk measurement and insurance

    As companies face the uncertain impact from the escalating incidence of cyberattacks, they look to more effectively measure and manage the financial risks resulting from a potential breach.

    With the emergence of standardized breach data, and increasingly more sophisticated risk measurement and management techniques, cyber risk issues are becoming preeminent to corporations and insurance underwriters. Our experienced Cyber Risk team provides integrated services to help companies with underwriting and risk financing strategies.

  • Fadata

    Fadata is a fast-growing insurance IT vendor. We work closely with insurers and Fadata to assist insurers in deploying the Fadata system. Actuarial resources are supporting the product configuration and development of the key insurance and actuarial processes of reserving, pricing and underwriting.

  • Financial reporting

    Significant financial reporting change is on the way in the form of International Financial Reporting Standard IFRS17, IFRS 9 and Financial Accounting Standards No. 60 (FAS 60).

    It is crucial for companies to understand the micro and macro effects of new reporting requirements, the importance of reported figures, the wider implications for strategy, operations and how to communicate new management targets to shareholders. We help companies understand and prepare efficient external and internal reporting frameworks by providing actuarial services that are part of integrated multidisciplinary approaches.

  • GI reserve review

    The provision for outstanding claims liabilities is the most significant item in most general insurance companies’ balance sheets, and movements in the provision from year to year can often form a significant part of the insurer’s profit.

    Additionally, the outstanding claims liability estimate is an integral part of the pricing process, especially for long tail classes, and can be an important component of an insurer’s regulatory and economic capital calculations.

    Whether we are providing the primary estimate of the outstanding claims estimate or reviewing the estimate as part of an external peer review engagement or audit, EY applies leading practice processes and methodologies consistently around the world to provide our clients with more accurate and more reliable estimates of their outstanding claims liabilities.

  • Health

    Against the backdrop of rising costs, aging populations, stressed infrastructure, constrained resources and shifting regulations, health insurers must develop new offerings and find new ways to operate.

    Across diverse national health care markets, there are unprecedented risks, but also great opportunity — thanks to breakthrough advances in technology and more sophisticated use of data and analytics.

    We are working with strategists and practitioners from across our practices — including life sciences, public sector health care, insurance, consumer products, engineering and advanced technology — to re-imagine health care.

  • Investment consulting

    In the current low-yield and volatile market environment, insurers and pension plans are seeking to optimize risk-adjusted return through more innovative investment, and wealth and asset managers are partnering ever closer with their investors to add value.

    EY’s Global Investment Consulting team specializes in working with each of these sectors to drive more value from their investment portfolio by bringing together resources with finance, actuarial, accounting, tax, quantitative, valuation and corporate finance backgrounds.

  • Longevity

    For many life assurance companies, a key risk is “longevity risk” where for their annuity products the risk is of individuals living longer than expected.

    We share knowledge of current trends and market practice to help practitioners assessing longevity risk for audit or assurance purposes or to help in many aspects of longevity risk transfer solutions for consulting clients.

  • Managed services

    Our Managed Services assist clients executing strategies to outsource or co-source recurring labor-intensive and/or non-core activities necessary for day-to-day actuarial and/or underwriting operations.

    Potential outsourcing and co-sourcing arrangements include by major function:

    • Product: rate filings, experience studies, administration support
    • Financial reporting: performing in-force valuations, reconciliations and controls reporting
    • Modeling: model maintenance, performing production runs
    • Risk management: ongoing model validation and customer analytics 
  • Mergers & acquisitions

    As companies revisit and optimize their portfolios, they look to acquire and consolidate more attractive businesses, and dispose of businesses in markets where they cannot compete.

    With depressed valuations in many insurance markets and the shifting strategies of multinationals, the mergers and acquisitions market is poised to become more active. Our experienced Strategy and Transactions team and our actuarial transactions skills provide integrated services to help companies with valuations and post-merger integration.

  • Modeling

    Actuarial modeling is becoming increasingly crucial to business operations in a number of areas, externally for financial reporting liability reserving, solvency and regulatory capital modeling, and internally for risk management, ALM and business planning, pricing, embedded value and non-traditional modeling.

    Our model consulting services cover model design and implementation, review and validation, process and governance, efficiency enhancement, as well as production. We help our clients make their models fit for purpose, effective in their support of finance and risk function requirements and scalable for future development.

  • Pensions and pension fund advice

    Companies, governments and pension fund management (trustees) are continually looking for support with their pension funds in the areas of design, cost management, risk mitigation and best-practice governance. We provide advice in all of these areas.

  • Product innovation

    We assist our clients by providing market perspective on disruptive technologies, innovations and trends in insurance propositions to customers.

    Our forward-thinking vision allows us to support our clients in taking advantage of these changes, in terms of analyzing the customer opportunities, developing new wave propositions and optimizing the pricing.

  • Risk services

    Risk management remains a prominent theme in global regulatory developments and within firms’ own business enhancements to ensure continued business resilience and efficient allocation of capital.

    We assist our clients in designing and implementing proportionate and commercially effective risk management frameworks that support better business decision-making on an ongoing basis. Our solutions include design and implementation of the risk management strategy, appetite and framework, including processes, models and tools for risk identification, measurement, mitigation and monitoring.

  • Recovery and resolution planning

    In a drive to improve the resilience of insurers and reduce the impact of failure, boards and regulators are requiring recovery plans, resolution plans and increasingly improved liquidity risk management from insurers in major markets.

    We are the leading adviser on these important topics, having supported the majority of global systemically important insurers, multiple internationally active insurance groups, and many large domestic insurers. As insurers consider how best to mobilize and address these issues proportionately, we can offer support to develop the plans and/or test their credibility, conduct resolvability assessments, support with operational continuity and implement improvements, using a suite of tried and tested tools, robust methodologies, and in depth regulatory experience.

  • Structural optimization

    A wide variety of drivers are pushing clients to consider significant changes to maximize returns, manage risk, reduce volatility and optimize the asset side of the balance sheet and their asset and liability matching.

    We bring cross-practice and international know-how to these issues through a unique proposition that combines finance, risk, actuarial, accounting, tax and M&A skill sets to support clients in emerging with more efficient structures. We also advise clients on analyzing their risk-adjusted return on capital and in supporting them with their investor dialogue.

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