AL-TL-Yellow columns

Technical Line - A closer look at California’s recently enacted climate disclosure laws

4 Apr 2024 PDF
Subject AccountingLink
Publications Technical Line


Our publication discusses the climate-disclosure bills signed into law by the governor of California on 7 October 2023 that require public and private entities that conduct business in California and meet certain annual revenue thresholds to provide climate-related disclosures, including Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3 emissions, in accordance with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol and disclosures in accordance with the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures. In addition, entities that operate in California and make claims about their achievement of net zero emissions or similar claims are required to disclose information about their claims and the purchase or use of voluntary carbon offsets to achieve those claims. The publication includes a comparison of the California laws with the Securities and Exchange Commission’s climate-related disclosure rules and the European Commission’s European Sustainability Reporting Standards.

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