3 minute read 11 Oct 2022
Mechanic working on jet engine

How do you reshape today’s workforce and attract tomorrow’s talent?

Raman Ram

EY Americas Aerospace & Defense Leader

Value-focused A&D leader. Transforms organizations. Turns facts and insights into practical strategies. Accelerates performance and value realization. Enjoys hiking and building home theater systems.

Steve Fuller

Partner, US People Advisory Services;

Transformational HR leader. HR technology leader. Thought leader. Outdoors enthusiast. Golfer. Philadelphia sports fan. Dad of two. Husband.

3 minute read 11 Oct 2022

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  • How do you reshape today's workforce and attract tomorrow's talent (pdf)

The Aerospace and Defense workforce study offers key insights on how companies are responding to talent shortages and preparing for a digital future.

In brief

  • At the time of this study, workforce and talent concerns rank high at A&D companies as demand recovers post-pandemic.
  • Developing a compelling employee value proposition continues to remain the key for attracting, retaining and developing top talent.
  • Ongoing digital transformation efforts require reskilling across the industry.

The Aerospace Industries Association (AIA) and the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) have collaborated with Ernst & Young LLP (EY US) to conduct their 2022 Aerospace and Defense (A&D) Workforce Study.

We surveyed A&D organizations, utilizing 60 questions to examine five key areas of focus: A&D workforce demographic trends; diversity, equity, and inclusiveness; The talent shortage: how A&D companies are building a differentiated employee value proposition; digital transformation and reskilling the workforce; and the employee and talent outlook.

Survey respondents represent a total global headcount of over 800,000 employees and a total US headcount of over 680,000 employees, including over 250,000 employees with security clearances and more than 100,000 veterans across all the organizations that participated.

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Results from the five key themes of the study

  • 1. Overview of A&D workforce demographic trends in the US

    Demographic data plays a critical role for A&D organizations seeking to effectively manage their workforce. 


    Global A&D Employees represented by the survey


    US A&D employees represented by the survey


    Of total US employees are veterans

    • Chart Description

      Age Distribution           Hiring Completed               Average time required to gain security clearance                                 
      Total number of employees reported 829,635 Total Hires 106,293 Security Clearance 2022
      Employees 25 and under 6.0% Experienced Hires 69,947 < 5 Weeks 16%
      Employees 26-35 22.2% Intern Hires 28,065 6-15 Weeks 16%
      Employees 36-45 21.6% University Hires 8,281 16-25 Weeks 32%
      Employees 46-55 21.8%     26-35 Weeks 19%
      Employees 56 and over 28.4%     > 35 Weeks 16%
    • Chart Description

      Organization size by global revenue (USD)           Organization by sub-sector               Allocation of revenue (USD) by subsector                                 
      Organization size by global revenue (USD)  % of total revenue Sub-sector %of total Sub-sector %of total
      More than $5 billion 34% Defense 94% Defense 42.3%
      $1-5 billion 31% Commercial 91% Commercial 32.4%
      $500-999 million 3% Space 66% Space 15.2%
      $100-499 million 9% Services 50% Services 10.1%
      $50-$99 million 6%        
      Under $50 million 16%        
    • Chart Description

      Executives by race Executives by gender Engineering by race Engineering by gender
      Race/Ethnicity    % of total     Race/Ethnicity % of total    
      White 81.06% Women 30.44% White     69.35% Women 16.90%
      Black or African American 5.69% Men 69.51% Black or African American 5.25% Men 83.04%
      Hispanic or Latino 4.77% Non-binary 0% Hispanic or Latino 8.51% Non-binary 0%
      Asian      6.39% Reporting Other Gender ID 0.05% Asian      13.48% Reporting Other Gender ID           0.06%
      2 or more races 1.48%     2 or more races 2.77%    
      American Indian or Alaskan Native  0.42%     American Indian or Alaskan Native  0.39%    
      Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 0.19%     Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 0.24%    
      Employees by race Employees by gender Promotions by race Promotions by gender
      Race/Ethnicity % of total     Race/Ethnicity    % of total    
      White 68.93% Women                 25.64% White     69.74% Women 30.73%
      Black or African American 10.03% Men  72.74% Black or African American 7.45% Men  68.89%
      Hispanic or Latino 8.95 % Non-binary 0.002% Hispanic or Latino 9.52% Non-binary 0.00%
      Asian 9.00% Reporting Other Gender ID 1.62% Asian      10.05% Reporting Other Gender ID 0.38%
      2 or more races 2.23%     2 or more races 2.50%    
      American Indian or Alaskan Native  0.48%     American Indian or Alaskan Native  0.44%    
      Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 0.39%     Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 0.31%    
      Collecting LGBTQ+ employee data Employee headcount distribution by tenure        
          Tenure  % of total        
      Yes 21.9% <1 Year 11.2%        
      No, but plan to in the future        28.1% 1-4 Years 30.9%        
      No and have no plans to in the future 50.0% 5-10 Years 18.6%        
          10-15 Years 12.0%        
          15-20 Years 9.7%        
          20-25 Years 6.4%        
          25 Years+ 11.2%        
    • Chart Description

      Voluntary attrition by gender Voluntary attrition by race What quantitative information do you plan to disclose in your next human capital disclosure in your proxy statement? What qualitative information do you plan to disclose in your next human capital disclosure in your proxy statement?
      Attrition % of total          Race/Ethnicity           %of total                 
      Men       73.93% White     64.4% Diversity and Inclusion 21.9% Diversity and Inclusion 21.9%     
      Women 26.03% Black or African American 13.1% Geographic Location 12.5% Geographic Location 9.4%
      Reporting Other Gender ID 0.04% Hispanic or Latino 10.6% Health and Safety 12.5% Engagement 12.5%
      Non-binary 0% Asian 7.9% Learning and Development 9.4% Health and Safety 15.6%
          2 or more races 3.1% COVID Response 15.6% Learning and Development 15.6%
          American Indian or Alaskan Native  0.5% Benefits 6.3% COVID Response 15.6%
          Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 0.4% Union Information  12.5% Benefits 12.5%
              Not applicable 3.1% Union Information k 9.4%  
              Don't wish to disclose 15.6%   Not applicable    0.0%
                  Don't wish to disclose 3.1%
    • Chart Description

      Is your organization SEC registrant?
      Yes          43.8%
      No 34.4%
      Unsure 21.9%
  • 2. Diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI)

    Employers have continued to make DEI a workforce and business imperative, prioritizing inclusiveness and healthy work environments that allow diverse groups to thrive. To that end, the survey set out to understand how A&D organizations have taken tangible steps to diversify their talent and drive continuous progress regarding DEI. Click on each graphic below to learn more:

    • Chart Description

      Is diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) included in your company's mission, vision and/or values? In what ways does your company focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in recruitment and retainment efforts? How strongly do you agree or disagree that your company demonstrates a commitment to celebrating and embracing different backgrounds, ideas and beliefs? Which of the following DEI initiatives does your company currently conduct?
      Yes  65.6% Anti-harassment training 84.38%             Strongly Agree  50% Pay gap reporting             64.5%  
      No          34.4% Employee resource groups 75.00% Agree  34.4% Customized DEI learning 54.8%
          Cultural Months (Black History Month, Pride Month, etc.) 68.75% Neither Agree nor Disagree 15.6% Data-driven DEI strategies measured in real-time 51.6%
          Company-wide responses to significant current events affecting certain groups (words from top leadership, roundtable discussions, etc.)        65.63% Disagree 0.0% Augmented intelligence in recruitment process   25.8%
          Attend career fairs of minority groups     65.63% Strongly Disagree 0.0% Inclusive product design, marketing, goods and services 25.8%
          Unconscious bias training 62.50%     Others   22.6%
          Acknowledgment of holidays of all cultures 59.38%        
          Initiatives addressing corporate climate 56.25%        
          Others 9.38%        
      How often do you measure diversity/representation metrics in your company? Does your company compare representation in leadership (director level and above) with representation throughout the rest of the company? In order to increase ethnic minority representation in your talent pool, have you begun recruiting from different universities (i.e., HBCUs)?    
      Quarterly 62.5% Yes  71.9% Yes 68.8%    
      Annually 18.8% No 28.1% No  31.3%    
      Not on a regular basis     18.8%            
  • 3. Talent shortage is real

    The exodus of talent hasn’t spared A&D companies. Organizations are competing not only with each other but also with other industries as they seek to recruit employees with strong technical and digital skills to their workforce. The survey sought to determine the key drivers of attrition within the A&D industry and explore how organizations are continuing to strengthen their employee value propositions (EVP) to provide a unique and impactful employee experience to attract and retain key talent.

    • Chart Description

      Over the last 12 months, our organization's turnover has significantly increased Primary drivers of attrition Actions Needed to Address Employee Turnover
      Strongly Agree  21.9% Opportunity for Increased Total Pay (Base/Bonus) 78.1% Review competitiveness of compensation programs 90.6%   
      Agree  46.9%     Better Job / Career Advancement 75% Provide increased rotation/career path opportunities 68.8%
      Neither Agree nor Disagree 18.8% Enhanced Flexibility in Work Location/Opportunity for More Remote Work 31.3% Increase emphasis on company leadership's ability to listen and recognize employee needs     68.8%
      Disagree 9.4% Others 28.1% Provide opportunities for promotion/management/leadership roles 62.5%
      Strongly Disagree 3.1% Location of the Worksite/Workplace/Strong Work Environment 9.4% Improve learning and development opportunities 59.4%
          Lack of Appreciation/Engagement from Direct Supervisor/Manager 6.3% Enhanced immediate manager’s people/management skills 50%
          Increased Learning and Development Opportunities 6.3% Increase focus on company culture and focus 31.3%
          Better Overall Well-Being Programs (Financial/Physical/Emotional/Social) 6.3% Enhance flexibility/remote work for employees' need to work/travel 31.3%
          Quality of Leadership & Company Brand 3.1% Reduce lack of engagement from direct supervisors/managers 28.1%
              Improve approach to being a more diverse and inclusive employer 25%
              Provide opportunities for partial/fully paid leaves of absence 15.6%
              Enhance in-workplace perks (food/amenities) 12.5%
              Update healthcare programs       9.4%
              Provide additional support for caregiving 9.4%
              Focus programs on emotional wellbeing 9.4%
              Others   6.3%
      Which of the following are critical to a sustainable future of work for your organization? Implemented strategies to attract and retain talent    
      Developing a workforce strategy and plan to ensure necessary talent and skills to match future business needs  81.3%    Hiring employees from a broader geographic footprint without requiring relocation  65.6%    
      Developing and implementing a compelling Employee Value Proposition making us an employer of choice  59.4% Other 34.4%    
      Investing in upskilling/reskilling your workforce for evolving work and technology requirements  56.3% Having a policy to allow employees to relocate to a new location not within commuting  34.4%        
      Reviewing how work gets done from a people/process/technology perspective  53.1% Flexibility in compensation ranges based on remote work location  31.3%       
      Aligning our operating model and organization structure to remove friction from new ways of working  15.6% Having a policy to allow employees to work from any location on a temporary basis  25%    
      Look at alternative staffing models (full-time/part-time/contract/outsource/gig)  6.3%        
    • Chart Description

      How has your organization's employee engagement changed over the last 12 months? How has your organization's culture changed over the last 12 months? Employee engagement strategies
      Significantly better 0.0%  Significantly better 0.0% Regular, fully virtual team sessions  53.1%
      Somewhat better 31.3% Somewhat better 37.5% Offering team building sessions in person once/twice a year  50%
      No change 28.1% No change 37.5% More frequent group sessions with advisors and peers – virtual  46.9%
      Somewhat worse 40.6% Somewhat worse 25.0% Regular communication that acknowledges different work models  46.9%
      Significantly worse 0.0% Significantly worse 0.0% More frequent 1:1 sessions with advisors and peers – virtual  43.8%
              Support available to line managers to increase their understanding of how to manage fully remote workers  40.6%  
              More frequent 1:1 sessions with advisors and peers – in-person  37.5%
              More frequent group sessions with advisors and peers – in-person  34.4% 
              Other  18.8%
              Creating specific career pathways for fully remote workers  9.4%
      Does your company offer any of the following to increase employee engagement? How does your company engage and support early career talent (<5 years of experience)?    
      Access to leaders (small group sessions, roundtables, 1-on-1s, etc.) 87.5% Communities of interest (groups who meet to talk about topics of mutual interest)  62.5%    
      Team events  87.5% Accelerated career paths for top performers  62.5%    
      Coaching 78.1% Community outreach programs  59.4%    
      Unique experiences (celebration of milestones, etc.)  75% Non-traditional progressions (lateral moves, creation of new roles, etc.)  59.4%    
      Stand-up sessions  53.1% Professional networks for various underrepresented groups  56.3%    
          Dedicated mentorship programs with senior colleagues  56.3%    
          Unique learning opportunities  50%    
          Reverse mentoring programs (where junior employees mentor more senior employees)  21.9%    
          Others 18.8%    
    • Chart Description

      What are all the benefits your company currently offers?
      Life insurance  96.9%
      Tuition reimbursement and/or student loan repayment  90.6%
      Overtime pay  90.6%
      Retirement accounts + matching contribution  90.6%
      Employee recognition programs  87.5%
      Professional /career development opportunities & funding  81.3%
      Paid parental leave  65.6%
      Stock options  40.6%
      Others 25%
      Childcare facilities or subsidies  21.9%
      Unlimited PTO  12.5%
    • Chart Description

      What percentage of your workforce are aligned to the following working modalities? How strongly do you agree that your company has successfully operationalized flexible work models? What alternative work arrangements has your company put in place for employees? Which of the following is offered to your remote workforce to increase engagement?
      Full Remote Telework  9% Strongly Agree  34.4% Remote working options  84.4% Software to support collaboration  78.1%    
      Hybrid (on-site and remote)  24.03% Agree 31.3% Flexible hours  81.3% Online learning solutions  71.9%
      Full Time - On Sight  66.92% Neither Agree nor Disagree  28.1% Hybrid work with specific requirements for in-person days  71.9% Well-being initiatives to access from any location  68.8%
          Disagree  6.3%  Part-time schedules  65.6% Help desk to support home workplace  65.6%
          Strongly Disagree  0.0% Contract work arrangements  28.1% Additional hardware items  56.3%
              Others 21.9% Training to enhance skills in online facilitation  53.1%
              We are not offering alternative arrangements  3.1% Social platforms to stay connected  43.8%
                  Reimbursement for internet/phone expenses  18.8%
                  Stipend to cover at home workplace set up  12.5%
                  None of the above  9.4%
  • 4. Digitization and reskilling

    To unlock the full potential of their workforce, organizations are helping their employees adapt to new technologies, creating individualized learning pathways that will close critical skills gaps and support employees through the transformation process. The survey asked questions to identify the digital investments that are being made by A&D organizations, both from a workforce technology and people-centric lens:

    • Chart Description

      What are your organization's top three areas of investment into reskilling? What types of learning modalities did your company utilize in 2021?
      Leadership  65.6% Web-based training 84.4%
      Engineering skills  43.8% Peer-to-peer coaching  81.3%
      Cyber security  43.8% Virtual instructor-led training  78.1%
      Data science/analytics  28.1% Job aids and FAQs  71.9%
      Digital skillsets  21.9% Blended learning experiences  68.8%
      Program management  21.9% Screengrab and how-to videos  65.6%
      Adaptive skillsets (critical thinking, agility, flexibility)  18.8% Microsoft tools  59.4%
      Manufacturing skills  18.8% Virtual system demonstrations  53.1%
      Artificial intelligence  6.3% Mobile learning  50%
      Computer skills  6.3% Micro-learning  46.9%
      Business acumen  3.1% Immersive platforms  37.5%
      Sustainability 3.1% Podcasts 34.4%
      Response to new automation tools  3.1% Core content push notifications  31.3%
          Gamification 28.1%
          Virtual and augmented reality  18.8%
          Others  12.5%
          QRG codes  9.4%
    • Chart Description

      What elements of workforce technology would you like to see your organization improve?
      Addressing increasing cyber security risks  71.9%
      Developing new solutions for workforce demand planning  68.8%
      Enhanced approach to workforce analytics and integrated dashboards  75%
      Expanded use of Microsoft Office 365/Teams/Other Tools for work or collaboration  78.1%
      Moving to a greater focus on cloud-based technology  43.8%
      Updating technology support model  34.4%
      Using technology for employee health and safety  53.1%
  • 5. The employee and talent outlook

    The industry outlook is dependent on the ability of A&D organizations to maintain and foster a strong talent pipeline as the industry embarks on transformation efforts. As a result, the survey tried to gain a better understanding of the age and tenure distribution of today’s workforce in the industry, along with each organization’s engagement with educational institutions and the desired competencies of the next generation: 

    • Chart Description

      What competencies do you currently value most from university hires? What competencies will you value most from university hires in the next 4–5 years? How does your company get involved with schools? Which of the following do you participate in?
      Engineering skills  78.1% Engineering skills 65.6% Internships 87.5%    Internship programs  93.8%  
      Leadership 46.9%  Data science/analytics  62.5% Career fairs – university  87.5% Management leadership training programs  65.6%
      Computer skills  46.9% Leadership 56.3% Sponsorship of events (e.g. STEM fairs, case competitions,  etc.)  71.9% New college hire rotational programs  46.9%
      Data science/analytics  46.9% Cyber security  46.9% Careers fairs at trade schools  56.3% Apprenticeship programs  46.9%
      Cyber security  40.6% Adaptive skillsets (critical thinking, agility, flexibility)  43.8% Summer programs  53.1% Cooperative education programs  43.8%
      Adaptive skillsets (critical thinking, agility, flexibility)  37.5% Computer skills  43.8% Career fairs - high school  43.8% Trade school/vocational programs  43.8%
      Digital skillsets  37.5% Digital skillsets  37.5% On-site company visits for high schoolers  40.6% None of the above  3.1%
      Manufacturing skills  37.5% Manufacturing skills  34.4% High school visitations  31.3%    
      Program management  28.1% Artificial intelligence  25% Others  21.9%    
      Business acumen  25% Program management  25%        
      Artificial intelligence  21.9% Understanding of automation tools  25%        
      Others 18.8% Business acumen  21.9%        
      Understanding of automation tools  18.8% Others 12.5%        
      Sustainability 6.3% Sustainability 9.4%        
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The talent challenge facing A&D companies has been exacerbated due to pandemic-induced cutbacks and the ensuing great resignation. The 2022 A&D workforce study demonstrates that many organizations have recognized the magnitude and implications of the talent shortage, however, companies must be ready to take transformative actions to win the competition for talent and shape the A&D workforce for the future.

About this article

Raman Ram

EY Americas Aerospace & Defense Leader

Value-focused A&D leader. Transforms organizations. Turns facts and insights into practical strategies. Accelerates performance and value realization. Enjoys hiking and building home theater systems.

Steve Fuller

Partner, US People Advisory Services;

Transformational HR leader. HR technology leader. Thought leader. Outdoors enthusiast. Golfer. Philadelphia sports fan. Dad of two. Husband.