From automation to augmentation: The role of Generative AI in shaping the workforce of the future

From automation to augmentation: The role of Generative AI in shaping the workforce of the future

Generative AI’s ability to generate content in the form of text, images, audio, videos and more through user-friendly interfaces has led to the development of multiple applications. For the same reasons, many perceive it as a threat to numerous jobs – from content writers to coders.

In our first episode of ‘Generative AI unplugged’ podcast series, we speak to Alpana Dutta, EY India Partner - People Advisory Services and EMEIA Culture and People Experience Leader on the transformative impact of Generative AI on various industries – job roles that may get impacted and the ones that may get created – as well as on employers. 

Related topics AI Workforce Technology

In conversation with:

Alpana Dutta 
EY India Partner - People Advisory Services and EMEIA Culture and People Experience Leader

Key takeaways

  • Generative AI could lead to new roles such as AI auditors, AI ethics specialists, prompt engineers, digital twin engineers, AI augmented creatives.
  • Generative AI can pose a threat to roles across industries, including technology, finance, legal, media and more.
  • The education sector can benefit through enhanced learning materials, personalized guidance, instant feedback and no language barriers.
  • The technology at present lacks the maturity to be used in areas such as improving diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) or hiring. 

For your convenience, a full-text transcript of this podcast is also available. Read the transcript

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Duration 14m 06s

In this series

(Event List - Manual)

Cybersecurity in the age of Generative AI: Solving the ethical dilemma

In the second episode of ‘Generative AI unplugged’ podcast series, Prashant Choudhary, Cybersecurity Partner at EY India shares insights on the ongoing cybersecurity concerns in Generative AI, the ethical dilemma around how and how much of it should be regulated, and what are the possible solutions to address such challenges.
10m 32s
