Cybersecurity in the age of Generative AI: Solving the ethical dilemma

Cybersecurity in the age of Generative AI: Solving the ethical dilemma

Generative AI is a game-changing technology where, along with use cases, governance and regulatory challenges are being actively discussed. One of the primary concerns is data privacy and cybersecurity. With over 100 zettabytes of data available on the internet by some estimates and lack of comprehensive legislations in place to regulate Generative AI’s access to it, both people and businesses are vulnerable to risks that include personal data privacy violations, intellectual property rights infringement, algorithm biases, and more. 

In the second episode of our ‘Generative AI unplugged’ podcast series, Prashant Choudhary, EY India Cybersecurity Partner shares insights on the ongoing cybersecurity concerns in Generative AI, the ethical dilemma around how and how much of it should be regulated, and what are the possible solutions to address such challenges.

Key takeaways

  • Unauthorized or improper usage of data from people and the internet poses privacy issues in Generative AI.
  • Synthetic data could be a solution to address copyright infringement and privacy concerns but comes with certain challenges.
  • Globally, governments and regulators are taking initial steps to govern Generative AI and strike a balance between privacy and production.
While some challenges have been discovered (in Generative AI), many more are still coming out as more use cases emerge. And it is pervasive across all Generative AIs.

For your convenience, a full-text transcript of this podcast is also available. Read the transcript

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Duration 10m 32s

In this series

(Event List - Manual)

From automation to augmentation: The role of Generative AI in shaping the workforce of the future

In our first episode of ‘Generative AI unplugged’ podcast series, we speak to Alpana Dutta, EY EMEIA Culture and People Experience Leader on the transformative impact of Generative AI on workforce.
14m 06s
