
EY teams define transportation as the movement of people and goods by air, land and sea, and help companies chart their course through today’s disruptive landscape.

The accelerating pace of change is propelling transportation and logistics companies to transform themselves within their ecosystem, presenting many opportunities for growth. The competitive landscape is being upended, with start-ups challenging incumbents and the emergence of new products and services.

Digitization has become the major agent of change forcing companies to transform and innovate. As transportation companies strive to keep up with industry standards, they must adapt to ever-changing regulations such as trade, customs, tariffs and more. Our teams provide purpose-led, transformative services to help EY clients improve the movement of people and goods around the world.

Case Study
The better the question. The better the answer. The better the world works.
Case Study

How blockchain is reducing the fluidity of risk in marine insurance

EY and Guardtime are providing greater transparency and efficiency through blockchain technology in marine insurance.

Case Study
The better the question. The better the answer. The better the world works.
Case Study

When risks ebb and flow, how can insurance premiums adjust?

Marine insurance has not kept up with the digital era. Now’s the time for blockchain innovation to manage dynamic risk and boost global trade.

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Beached container ship
Case Study
The better the question. The better the answer. The better the world works.
Case Study

Implementing blockchain on the high seas

A new blockchain-enabled platform is automating the insurance process to meet the needs of all stakeholders.

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Container ship on the high seas
Case Study
The better the question. The better the answer. The better the world works.
Case Study

Taking blockchain beyond marine insurance

This new platform will transform marine insurance by generating trust between all players in the value chain of global trade. And it has the potential to fuel innovation across every industry where trust and transparency are critical.

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Aerial view container ship seattle usa

Explore EY Blockchain Platforms

Our blockchain solutions can help transform the business lifecycle for digital ecosystems.

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