EY Solution Store | EY Country-by-Country Report Web

Your smart platform for automated Country-by-Country Reporting

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Product description

How can I meet the complex requirements for country-specific reporting efficiently and securely? How do I manage to bring the required data into the intended structure? How can I identify potential tax risk areas based on the reported data?

  • More details

    Country-by-Country Reporting: Overview

    The obligation to prepare and submit an annual country-by-country reporting applies to companies that generate consolidated group sales of more than EUR 750 million in a fiscal year. The consolidated financial statements must include more than one foreign company or foreign permanent establishment.

    The tax offices must convert the reported data into a specified data format (XML schema). Subsequently, the report must be validly transmitted to the Federal Central Tax Office via the electronic mass data interface (ELMA).

    Optimize your Country-by-Country reporting process

    With Country-by-Country Report Web (CbCR Web) by EY, you will be able to centrally capture the data required for country-by-country reporting. Using a standardized import interface, you can conveniently transfer the required financial data from upstream systems. The subsequent conversion of the data into the desired data structure is automated.

    CbCR Web also supports you in the electronic transmission of the report. 

    The web-based CbCR Web is the central platform for your reporting process. All employees involved work in one system - worldwide.

    Evaluations and early warning functions

    The integrated dashboard allows you to analyze the financial data in the country-by-country web. Evaluations with graphical elements and various KPIs will draw your attention to unusual trends or possible risk areas.

    The integrated plausibility and validation checks will increase the quality of the reported data. In this way, possible risks of errors are reduced.   

Summary of your advantages

Country-by-Country-Reporting Web

Digital device screen mockup vector with laptop and smartphone with gradient wallpapers

Company master data

Digital device screen mockup vector with laptop and smartphone with gradient wallpapers

Overview of financial data by tax area

Digital device screen mockup vector with laptop and smartphone with gradient wallpapers

Risk assessment and analysis report

Professionalize your entire country-by-country reporting process, including format-compliant submission to tax authorities, by using CbCR Web. This allows you to gain time for the important tax analyses of the reported data.
Hubert Stadler
Partner, Tax | EY Switzerland


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