The age of ‘Health Experience’

In this first episode of our EY Health Sciences and Wellness Experience podcast series, we explore the emerging and much needed age of “Health Experience.”

The health sciences and wellness industry has never been as “front and center” in our lives as it has been in this last year. As all of us, worldwide, ride the various waves of the pandemic, our health sciences and wellness industry has taken the lead in giving care to those who have needed it most. We have also seen a monumental collaborative R&D effort – at a scale never witnessed before – which has resulted in the creation and delivery of multiple approved vaccines to combat COVID-19.

COVID-19 has also accelerated the move toward care delivery outside the four walls of a traditional health system. But to make a real and permanent change in how care is delivered, companies must address the new demands of patients and care providers. 

Meeting these increased expectations will mean expanding the traditional definitions of innovation in health care, which historically have focused on the safety, effectiveness or efficiency of care. Of course, these remain important, but patients and providers alike now demand a more seamless health experience delivered where and when it is wanted. 

Companies have an opportunity to seize this inflexion point, because the reality (as we have seen with other industries) is that products or services alone, no matter how strong technically will not be enough in future.  

Welcome to the age of Health Experience.

Learning outcomes

  • Organizations’ success will increasingly be measured both by the quality of outcomes that they can deliver, and the level of personalization they can achieve.
  • To deliver in these areas, they need to connect data better, combine data sets more comprehensively and share the insights generated from AI and analytics back into a wider network, enabling collaboration at a vast scale to accelerate learning and innovation.
  • Organizations that can take the lead in doing this will be best placed to integrate the physical and the virtual, enable seamless data exchange, and thus offer the convenient, transparent, personal and predictive Health Experience of the future.

For your convenience, full text transcript of this podcast is also available. Read the transcript


Pamela Spence
EY Global Health Sciences and Wellness Industry Leader and Life Sciences Industry Leader


Episode 01

Duration 08m 00s

In this series

Series overview
(Event List - Manual)

The age of ‘Health Experience’

In this first episode of our EY Health Sciences and Wellness Experience podcast series, we explore the emerging and much needed age of “Health Experience.”

Episode 01

08m 00s