EY - Electric cars parking in a line charging

Energy Drivers - What is the scale of lithium extraction opportunities in Canada?

In this episode, we talk to Amanda Hall, CEO and Founder of Summit Nanotech, about the relevance of lithium as a critical mineral and Canadian lithium extraction opportunities.

Three insights to take away:

  • Clean energy solutions, electric vehicles, and energy storage systems are just a few product categories that absolutely need lithium.
  • The future of lithium looks promising despite current challenges in commodity pricing, infrastructure, and labor, as global demand for electrification rises.
  • Canada's potential to expand lithium harvesting and processing, along with diverse downstream applications, can significantly enhance its economic value and global role.

You can also listen to this episode on Spotify and Apple.

For your convenience, the full text transcript of this podcast is also available. Read the transcript.


Lance Mortlock
Managing Partner, Energy & Resources Canada


Episode 11

Duration 38m 01s

In this series

Series overview
(Event List - Manual)

Energy Drivers - What is the future of hyperloop transportation systems in the Canadian energy transition?

In this episode, we talk to Sebastien Gendron, Co-Founder & CEO of TransPod, about shaping transportation systems in the energy transition.

Episode 10

32m 17s


Dr. Lance Mortlock

Managing Partner, Energy & Resources Canada

Energy Drivers - How do energy companies manage innovation and disruption?

In this episode, we talk to Graeme Edge, Co-Founder & Chief Instigator, Energy Disruptors, and Scott Balfour, President & CEO, Emera about innovation and disruption in the energy space.

Episode 9

47m 00s


Dr. Lance Mortlock

Managing Partner, Energy & Resources Canada

Energy Drivers – What is the role of solar power deployment in the Canadian energy transition?

In this episode, we talk to Gursh Bal, Co-Founder and Co-CEO at Zeno Renewables about the role of solar power in the energy transition.

Episode 8

35m 00s


Dr. Lance Mortlock

Managing Partner, Energy & Resources Canada

Energy Drivers – What are the Canadian electric utility priorities in the energy transition?

In this episode, we talk to Mark Poweska, President and CEO of Enmax about electric utility priorities in the energy transition.

Episode 7

45m 15s


Dr. Lance Mortlock

Managing Partner, Energy & Resources Canada

Energy Drivers – What are the strategic imperatives for mining organizations in the energy transition?

In this episode, we talk to Anne Marie Toutant, Independent Director & Past President, CIM about the strategic imperatives and opportunities for mining organizations in the energy transition.

Episode 6

24m 00s


Dr. Lance Mortlock

Managing Partner, Energy & Resources Canada

Energy Drivers – How organizations in the power & utilities sector can navigate the challenges of growing consumer adoption of EVs.

In this episode, we talk to Chris Lopez, Chief Financial Officer of Hydro One about the challenges that growing consumer adoption of EV’s will pose for Canadian power utilities such as Hydro One.

Episode 5

22m 00s


Dr. Lance Mortlock

Managing Partner, Energy & Resources Canada

Energy Drivers – Accelerating commercial vehicle electrification

In this episode, we talk to Marc Bédard, CEO and Founder of The Lion Electric Co. about his company’s experience helping customers navigate the transition to electrification.

Episode 4

25m 00s


Zahid Fazal

EY Canada Managing Partner, Assurance

Energy Drivers – the utilities that will power electric vehicles

In this episode, we talk to NRStor Chair and CEO Annette Verschuren about her personal experience with electric vehicles.

Episode 3

15m 19s


Daniela Carcasole

EY Canada Assurance Energy Leader; Canadian Power & Utilities Leader