Innovation hub

Decoding Innovation podcast series

Supported by the EY-Nottingham Spirk Innovation Hub, the Decoding Innovation podcast series explores the groundbreaking technologies, business models and ideas that are shaping the future of industries.

Listen as we meet with stakeholders at the cutting edge to discuss issues around innovation, disruption and importance of ecosystems.

This podcast is available on Apple PodcastsSpotify, Google Podcasts and YouTube.

Go from concept to commercialization at the EY-Nottingham Spirk Innovation Hub

The EY-Nottingham Spirk Innovation Hub is an innovation ecosystem that partners with you to drive strategy to execution, helping you identify new offerings and bring them to life. With rapid modeling and on-site prototyping, we deliver on the promise of end-to-end innovation with a proven 95% commercialization success rate. Together, we can turn great ideas into real business outcomes.

25 Episodes

Podcast Series



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In this series

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(Event List - Manual)

How a motorcycle company kick-started its shift to be an energy company

In this episode of Decoding Innovation, Scott Colosimo, founder and CEO of LAND Energy, shares the inception of the company and the funding journey.

Episode 23

26m 40s


Scott Colosimo

Founder and CEO, LAND Energy

How a Cleveland-based motorcycle company found its niche in eMoto

In this episode of Decoding Innovation, Scott Colosimo, founder and CEO of LAND Energy, shares how his company pivoted to making electric bikes.

Episode 22

26m 09s


Scott Colosimo

Founder and CEO, LAND Energy

How innovations in the nuclear sector can help move toward net zero

In this episode, Martin Freer, nuclear physicist and the Director of Birmingham Energy Institute and the Energy Research Accelerator, discusses the role of alternative fuels and the potential of nuclear energy.

Episode 21

43m 02s


Martin Freer

Director, Birmingham Energy Institute, University of Birmingham; Director, Energy Research Accelerator

Why seagrass is an effective replacement for fossil-based plastic

In this episode of Decoding Innovation, Malthe Larsen, CTO and Cofounder of Coastgrass, shares how bio-composite materials, such as seagrass, can be used for making climate-friendly plastic.

Episode 20

28m 03s


Malthe Larsen

CTO and Cofounder, Coastgrass

Why not all disruptive innovations are truly disruptive

In this episode of the Decoding innovation podcast series, Pete Foley, an independent consultant, shares his insights on how psychology and behavioral science can be applied as a catalyst for innovation.

Episode 19

36m 41s


Pete Foley

Founder, Pete Foley Innovation LLC

How circular economy acts as an enabler to build sustainable societies

In this episode of Decoding Innovation, Keiran Smith, CEO and co-founder of Mr. Green Africa, discusses circular economy and how technology is changing the way plastic is recycled worldwide.

Episode 18

39m 00s


Keiran Smith

CEO and Co-Founder, Mr. Green Africa

Why a mindset shift matters for implementing circular economy

In this episode of the Decoding innovation podcast series, Helen Burdett, Head of Technology Strategy at the World Economic Forum, talks about circular economy as a vision for the future.

Episode 17

29m 00s


Helen Burdett

Head, Technology Strategy, World Economic Forum

How one startup is progressing toward commercialized nuclear fusion

In this episode of Decoding Innovation, Scott Krisiloff shares Helion Energy’s journey so far in creating electricity from nuclear fusion and the subsequent plans to commercialize this form of energy.

Episode 16

24m 51s