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Let's Talk AI Ep. 6 - Cybersecurity and AI

What are the key impacts of AI on cybersecurity? 

Reducing workload by accelerating the process of going through extensive data blocks and updating documentation; enhancing the identification of sophisticated attacks by analysing large amounts of data quickly, leading to a 60% quicker response compared to traditional methods and dynamic protection. Learn more about this and the potential risk such as AI poisoning, where attackers manipulate AI models, emphasizing the importance of adhering to basic cybersecurity principles despite AI adoption. 


Candice Wilson
EY Western Cape Consulting Leader


Let's Talk AI Ep. 6 - Cybersecurity and AI

Duration 14m 08s

The adoption of any new technology comes with new risks and new ways for attackers to attempt to break into your systems. But they're still basic things which you can do to protect yourself.

– Candice Wilson

EY Western Cape Consulting & Cyber Security Leader