Transaction law

In today’s dynamic business environment, businesses are taking advantage of changing markets to expand through acquisitions. Transactions are becoming more complex, so investors need access to legal advice that helps them manage deals effectively. 

What EY can do for you

Businesses are increasingly focused on the economies of scale that result from acquisitions. This means that they require an efficient and effective post-acquisition and merger process.

Integrating EY lawyers with the professionals from Assurance, Tax, Transactions and Advisory, we are able to handle a range of issues that can arise in a single transaction.

We help to make deals happen

Accurate evaluation of potential transactions has never been more critical. To help you manage uncertain environments, EY provides detailed legal transaction advice and support, including: 

  • Carve-outs and separation
  • Buy- and sell-side due diligence
  • Share and asset purchase agreements
  • Service-level agreements and other intercompany arrangements

EY provides detailed legal transaction advice and support to help you reach your transaction goals quickly, efficiently and with added value. EY helps convert strategic vision into reality and support deals to run smoothly.

How EY Dynamic Transactions Solution can help streamline transaction reorganization projects 

The EY Dynamic Transactions Solution platform has been designed by experienced EY Law transaction professionals to help improve efficiencies and reduce risks for organizations throughout the life of the transaction. 

The customizable solution features a user-friendly interface and offers:

  • A centralized source of project information to better organize and access documents and entity information
  • Collaboration tools for seamless communication among stakeholders, including a detailed and interactive project plan
  • Automated documents and workflows, including embedded e-signature capabilities, to reduce the risk of errors and help ensure compliance with legal requirements, and
  • Customized dashboards with real-time progress indicators and analytics to improve project management

With these capabilities, EY Dynamic Transactions Solution allows you to take greater control over your project without becoming weighed down by the details.  

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How the law department is key in unlocking your sustainability strategy

As sustainability issues increasingly create risk, law departments are expected to play a key role in driving their organization’s compliance.

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