Strike of workers in heavy industry

Three priorities for advanced manufacturing in 2022

In this episode, EY global analysts Mohit Ahuja and Julia Rosenthal share highlights from 3Q21 earnings calls of 31 advanced manufacturing companies.

In the resurgence of the advanced manufacturing sector, sustainability, transparency and resiliency have become dominant themes. Companies are centering their future initiatives around these three pillars and aligning their current business operations with them. Furthermore, companies plan to undertake several measures to capture market share in emerging areas, such as electric and autonomous mobility, infrastructure decarbonization, sustainable buildings, and renewable energy.

In 3Q21, manufacturing companies dealt with soaring operating costs, uneven demand patterns and severe value chain breakdowns, and in response, they carried out the reinvention of their supply chains. They also took measures to restructure their business, capital strategy and competitive positioning. As the manufacturing sector continues to recover, it is optimistic that the operating costs will stabilize. Consequently, companies expect that their margins will increase. They are confident that the supply chain disruptions will subside once the effects of a more visible supply chain start to kick in.

Key takeaways:

  • The advanced manufacturing sector plans to invest in digital to achieve operational efficiencies, expedite product innovation and improve visibility across the value chain.
  • Advanced manufacturing companies are recognizing the importance of meeting customer expectations in order to maintain strong relationships and hold onto their market shares.
  • In a bid to transform into sustainable, transparent and resilient businesses, companies are operating proactively. They are launching sustainable products, such as net-zero connected buildings and electric aircraft, to meet their decarbonization targets and enhance ESG reporting. Access to timely and relevant data is helping companies to create transparent and robust supply chains. 

For your convenience, full text transcript of this podcast is also available. Read the transcript.

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  • Download our 3Q21 Advanced Manufacturing Quarterly report here

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Mohit Ahuja
EY Global Advanced Manufacturing & Mobility Analyst
Julie Buresh
EY Global Advanced Manufacturing Senior Analyst


Episode 19

Duration 17m 11s

In this series

series overview
(Event List - Manual)

Three priorities for advanced manufacturing in 2022

In this episode, EY global analysts Mohit Ahuja and Julia Rosenthal share highlights from 3Q21 earnings calls of 31 advanced manufacturing companies.

Episode 19

17m 11s

What factors are driving end market recovery for manufacturers

In this episode, EY global analysts Julia Rosenthal and Mohit Ahuja share their insights on the top themes discussed by leaders during the 2Q21 public earnings calls.

Episode 18

12m 34s

How the pandemic triggered a shift toward sustainability

In this episode, EY Global Advanced Manufacturing & Mobility analysts Avinash Sagar and Akshi Goel share their insights on some interesting findings from the 2Q21 public earnings calls.

Episode 17

12m 16s

How the mobility sector is re-emerging in a post-COVID-19 world

In this episode, Akshi Goel, EY Global Advanced Manufacturing & Mobility Analyst, shares her insights about the key themes discussed by mobility sector leaders during the third quarter earnings calls.

Episode 09

10m 24s

How manufacturers are preparing for a post-COVID-19 recovery

In this episode, Julia Rosenthal, EY Global Analyst for Advanced Manufacturing, shares her insights about the key themes discussed by leaders during the third quarter public earnings calls.

Episode 08

12m 58s

How automotive dealers and manufacturers shift from physical to digital

In this episode, our speakers share insights into the shift the automotive dealership and original equipment manufacturers have had to make to engage a new digital native customer.

Episode 07

11m 50s