ESG Insights

ESG Insights: The commitment to net zero: is it a greenwash?

In this podcast, Saunak Saha, Partner, Climate Change and Sustainability Services (CCaSS) at EY India, talks about key sustainability issues that India Inc needs to address on its environmental, social and governance (ESG) journey.

In conversation with:

Saunak Saha
EY India Climate Change and Sustainability Services Partner

Podcast host Silloo Jangalwala, Associate Director, Brands, Markets and Communications, speaks to Saunak Saha from Climate Change and Sustainability Services at EY India about companies’ efforts to adopt sustainable measures, especially in the backdrop of India’s net zero targets — the latest buzzword among business leaders since Prime Minister Narendra Modi committed that India will achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2070.

 Key takeaways

  • Indian companies are focusing on a three-pronged approach — reducing operational emissions, redesigning processes and products, and deploying offset strategies for emissions they cannot reduce.
  • As most net-zero transition strategies are capital intensive, companies are looking at different ways to finance advanced technologies.
  • The Indian government has been taking substantial steps to facilitate the uptake of renewable energy in the country and accelerate the transition to net zero.
  • The government is looking to create a domestic carbon credit market, enabling companies to move toward a low-carbon path.
  • Most Indian organizations are taking their net-zero goals seriously and developing a robust road map with specific timelines and outcomes.
Most large companies are now developing their strategy toward net zero transitions. They are working out a road map with specific timelines in mind, specific goals, and defined KPI.
Saunak Saha
Partner, Climate Change and Sustainability Services, EY India

For your convenience, a full text transcript of this podcast is available on the link below: Read the transcript

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Duration 07m 33s

In this series

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Rajnish Gupta

Partner, Tax and Economic Policy Group, EY India