Open Science Data Challenge
Don’t just predict the future. Build a better one.
The world is asking for change
Sustainability is the most pressing issue of our time for the environment, employees and consumers, society and providers of capital.
It will take everyone working together to solve this puzzle. At EY, we believe this starts by business putting sustainability at their core, creating value for business, society and the planet. We call this value-led sustainability, and we believe it’s is bigger than any one business. It’s everybody’s business.
We also have the convening power to bring everyone along for the journey: where everyone has a role to play in realizing new solutions that work beyond business to society as a whole.
Held annually, the EY Open Science Data Challenge produces new IP that drives more intelligent, information-driven and better decisions in mitigating global sustainability issues, such as climate change. EY makes this IP available to NGOs, governments and scientists for non-commercial purposes.
Working together, we can scale our impact through data, AI and technology to collectively build a sustainable future for society and the planet.
Join the 2023 Challenge
How will you harvest data to help solve world hunger?
At EY, we want you to create open-source solutions that could help save 800 million people from hunger.
Using satellite data from Microsoft’s Planetary Computer, you’ll predict the effects of climate change on rice production helping farmers communities and countries grow more food.
Work with leading professionals. Build skills in programming, algorithms and artificial intelligence to develop the tools that can help feed the world. This is your chance to make real change.
Who can enter
Any university student or early-career professional with less than two years of experience can join the challenge. It is also open to EY people.