Female in a medical science research facility

How digital solutions will help close the health equity gap

In this episode, Adlai Goldberg and two prominent chief medical officers explore and frame the health equity challenges the world is facing today.

Addressing health care inequality is a global challenge. For Dr. Yele Aluko, EY Chief Medical Officer, and Dr. David Rhew, Microsoft Chief Medical Officer, finding opportunities to provide health equity is a shared passion. Both are experienced physicians, and in this podcast, we discuss why disparities exist, the root causes and unbiased digital solutions.

Health care disparity doesn’t begin at the time of diagnosis and treatment – it goes back further to clinical trials and the fact that low enrolment rates of minorities would generate results that were not reflective of the populations.

And while COVID-19 has both given rise to a groundswell of societal demand for equal treatment for all people, the pandemic has also highlighted the health disparities across populations.

The way forward requires strategic insight from the health care value chain. Using data and analytics to not only identify care gaps – but to then develop the tactics and solutions that will close them.

Microsoft is building technologies that can be used by millions to make things easier, with usability a key factor. Barriers such as lack of broadband, or physical disabilities such as poor vision and hearing, must be overcome.

Dr. Aluko and Dr. Rhew see health equity is an important mission, because achieving it means everyone has a better chance of fulfilling their life’s potential.

Learning outcomes

Four things that can work toward closing the health equity gap are as follows:

  • Recognize that equal treatment is a similar standard of treatment for all. Equitable treatment is providing that standard of treatment to everybody.
  • Acknowledge health disparity within the health care value chain’s senior leadership and be held accountable for developing strategies and business models that optimize the patient journey and drive health equity.
  • Clinical trials need to be designed for inclusivity and to encourage diverse enrolment.
  • Any digital solution must be inclusive and accessible, enabling everyone to take advantage of technology. 

For your convenience, full text transcript of this podcast is also available. Read the transcript.


Photographic portrait of David Rhew
Dr. David Rhew
MD, Chief Medical Officer, Microsoft
Photographic portrait of Yele Aluko
Dr. Yele Aluko
MD, US Health Consulting Executive Director, Ernst & Young LLP


Episode 02

Duration 32m 49s

In this series

Series overview
(Event List - Manual)

How digital solutions will help close the health equity gap

In this episode, Adlai Goldberg and two prominent chief medical officers explore and frame the health equity challenges the world is facing today.

Episode 02

32m 49s


Dr. David Rhew

MD, Chief Medical Officer, Microsoft

Dr. Yele Aluko

MD, US Health Consulting Executive Director, Ernst & Young LLP

The age of ‘Health Experience’

In this first episode of our EY Health Sciences and Wellness Experience podcast series, we explore the emerging and much needed age of “Health Experience.”

Episode 01

08m 00s


Pamela Spence

EY Global Health Sciences and Wellness Industry Leader and Life Sciences Industry Leader