Two men standing in a factory with vr headset

How extended reality (XR) technologies can transform industries

In this episode of the Decoding Innovation podcast series, UrsaLeo Co-founder and CEO John Burton narrates the company's journey and how XR technologies are changing industries and the world.

Listen now on Apple PodcastsSpotify and Google Podcasts, and watch on YouTube.

With companies across industries generating ever-increasing amounts of data, a question emerges: How do you leverage this data to enhance the quality and improve sustainability?

The wide adoption of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR), and the emergence of metaverse are pointing toward the increasing enthusiasm for immersive 3D technologies. Combining realistic 3D environment and real-time data generated by industrial equipment and facilities could change the way data is visualized and presented to the stakeholders.

By employing digital twins, organizations get a better understanding of the performance of their products, do better analyses, identify potential anomalies and improve collaboration. Increasing sustainability discussions in board rooms are also considered to be a driving force of immersive technology. XR technologies are gaining momentum and interest, and they are predicted to be ubiquitous across sectors.

John Burton, CEO and Co-founder of UrsaLeo, a 3D platform that creates photo-realistic digital twins, dissects the evolving trends in the field and shares his insights on the impact of immersive technology.

Key takeaways: 

  • XR technologies offer an immersive 3D environment that enhances the data generated by companies. This feature offers a new trajectory in data visualization — from viewing complex 2D real-time data to a more realistic 3D experience.
  • The increasing adoption of virtual and augmented reality technologies is encouraged by the C-suites. With XR technologies, they can view the data in a much more interesting and understandable way.
  • One of the challenges faced by XR companies is the sourcing of data from multiple technologies, as these data streams will have to be combined and translated into a single format.

For your convenience, full text transcript of this podcast is also available. Read the transcript.


Photographic portrait of John Burton
John Burton
CEO and Co-founder, UrsaLeo


Episode 9

Duration 31m 01s

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In this series

Series overview
(Event List - Manual)

How extended reality (XR) technologies can transform industries

In this episode of the Decoding Innovation podcast series, UrsaLeo Co-founder and CEO John Burton narrates the company's journey and how XR technologies are changing industries and the world.

Episode 9

31m 01s


John Burton

CEO and Co-founder, UrsaLeo

Why advanced nuclear energy should be part of the climate solution

In this episode of the Decoding Innovation podcast, Judi Greenwald, the Executive Director of Nuclear Innovation Alliance, shares her journey and insights on advanced nuclear power.

Episode 8

57m 16s


Judi Greenwald

Executive Director, Nuclear Innovation Alliance

Why a successful circular economy requires action now

In this episode, Felix Heisel, Assistant Professor and Director of the Circular Construction Lab at Cornell University, discusses why circular economy is ideal for the construction industry.

Episode 7

49m 41s


Felix Heisel

Assistant Professor and Director of Circular Construction Lab, College of Architecture, Art, and Planning, Cornell University

How remote MedTech is revolutionizing modern health care

In this episode of the Decoding Innovation podcast, Daniel Hawkins, CEO and founder of Avail Medsystems, talks about Avail leveraging remote technology to pioneer the evolution of modern health care.

Episode 6

53m 34s


Daniel Hawkins

CEO and Founder, Avail Medsystems

Why “dirt-to-dirt” is the real circular economy

In this episode of Decoding Innovation podcast, Douglas Horne, CEO and founder of Evanesce, talks about compostable packaging and explains why “dirt-to-dirt” is the real circular economy.

Episode 5

36m 39s


Douglas Horne

CEO and Founder, Evanesce

How technology is redefining access to care

In this episode of the Decoding Innovation podcast series, Oliver Kharraz, CEO and Founder of Zocdoc, talks to Mitali Sharma about telehealth and how technology is positively impacting health care.

Episode 4

39m 37s


Oliver Kharraz

CEO and Founder, Zocdoc

What a hydrogen-powered future can look like

In this episode of Decoding Innovation podcast, Andrew Horvath, Global Group Chairman, Star Scientific Limited, and host Mitali Sharma discuss the role of hydrogen in the new energy economy.

Episode 3

29m 27s


Andrew Horvath

Global Group Chairman, Star Scientific Limited

Why fusion is the holy grail for clean energy generation

In the second episode of the Decoding Innovation podcast series, General Fusion CEO Greg Twinney talks about why fusion is the most sustainable approach to clean energy production.

Episode 2

15m 21s


Greg Twinney

CEO, General Fusion