EY - Bridge with road

Beyond the Bottom Line: How CFOs can drive sustainable value

This six-part video series will help CFOs and finance teams prepare their organizations for the upcoming mandatory sustainability disclosure landscape and play an integral role in understanding and articulating the ESG value of their organization to stakeholders.

Although the practical implementation of these standards is a work in progress, finance should be thinking about how sustainability reporting can turn into strategic opportunities for their companies and move the dial in terms of transitioning to a more sustainable business that creates long term value.

Getting started now in preparing mandatory sustainability disclosures is key to the future success of your ESG reporting. Waiting until the standards are mandatory could lead to resource constraints and a missed opportunity for finance to provide new value to the organization.

Videos in this series:

Current state assessment and gap analysis for your sustainability reporting

There is an unprecedented transformation in reporting for Canadian businesses driven by the need for reliable and comparable non-financial information. This dynamic disclosure landscape is prompting important questions from CFOs and their teams. Although the practical implementation of these standards is a work in progress, finance can take a leading role in understanding and articulating the ESG value of their organization to stakeholders. 

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ESG’s impact to the finance target operating model

Although there’s a wide range of governance structures surrounding ESG, finance is getting more involved as investors show more interest. ​

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Building your implementation roadmap

The blueprint to guide ESG reporting. Fundamental components to consider to right-size and tailor the approach. ​

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ESG Data Governance and technology enablement

Explore the rapidly evolving climate-related reporting requirements, the challenges companies face in complying with these regulations, and the importance of robust data management. ​

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Preparing for upcoming climate and sustainability related reporting standards

The future of reporting begins now. We can help you prepare.

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