Explore our Discover EY Programme

Attention all final year and postgraduate students! Are you interested in learning more about one of the world's leading financial services firms? EY Ireland invites you to our Discover EY Insight Days! 

Join us for our Discover EY insight day

EY Ireland would like to invite you to our Discover EY Insight Day, specifically designed for students who want to find out more about EY, learn about the work we do, and discover how to join us as a future summer intern, work placement intern or graduate.

If you are interested in finding out where EY could take you, don't miss out on this incredible opportunity and apply today here.

What is Discover EY?

Discover EY is an invaluable 1-day event, where you will have the chance to meet our team, learn about our service lines, programmes, our recruitment processes and hear from our current graduates and EY leadership.

What does the day look like? 

  • Meet our Student Recruitment Team who will offer their expert advice and answer any questions you may have about EY
  • Learn about our graduate programmes and what opportunities are available
  • Get useful advice on our recruitment progress and hints and tips to help you along your graduate journey
  • Learn about our service lines and teams
  • Hear from our talented graduates about their experiences so far and gain insight from our EY leaders
  • Network and meet our people

Upcoming Discover EY events and locations:

  • EY Cork Office - 15 October 2024
  • EY Waterford Office - 16 October 2024
  • EY Limerick Office - 16 October 2024
  • EY Dublin Office - 18 October 2024


The Discover EY Insight Day is open to all final year and postgraduate students who are currently on track for a 2.1 academic result or above in their current degree. 

Students from all universities, degrees and disciplines are welcome to apply! 

Application Process

Apply today to one of our upcoming Discover EY events using the links below.

Discover EY Cork, 15 October 2024:

Click here to apply for the Discover EY Insight Day in Cork

Discover EY Limerick, 16 October 2024:

Click here to apply for the Discover EY Insight Day in Limerick

Discover EY Waterford, 16 October 2024:

Click here to apply for the Discover EY Insight Day in Waterford

Discover EY Dublin, 18 October 2024:

Click here to apply for the Discover EY Insight Day in Dublin

The deadline for all applications is Tuesday 8 October 2024 at 1.00pm.