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Dmitry Morozov

EY World Entrepreneur Of The Year Class of 2021, Russia

Dmitry Morozov, Founder and General Director of BIOCAD.

Saving lives with science, Dmitry Morozov’s biotech firm is making millions of COVID-19 vaccine doses while also creating drugs to fight oncological and autoimmune diseases.

Photographic portrait of Dmitry Morozov

Dmitry Morozov

At BIOCAD, Dmitry Morozov leads a team of scientists who are racing to make millions of doses from small amounts of the Russian COVID-19 vaccine. Dmitry says it’s a complex process, but already the vaccine is rolling off the production line at the company’s factory outside St. Petersburg.

BIOCAD’s vital work during the pandemic is a world away from Dmitry’s early life. He studied economics and business in Moscow and started work as a banker, but he didn’t find the job fulfilling. After taking an advanced business course in Japan, Dmitry returned to Russia inspired to start his own enterprise. He founded BIOCAD in 2001 after noticing there was “no biotechnology industry” in Russia.

Today, BIOCAD is one of Russia’s biggest biotechnology companies. It develops and produces drugs to treat cancer and autoimmune diseases, as well as a treatment to alleviate the complications of coronavirus. The firm has a portfolio of 60 registered products, some of which are delivered to a global market. 

*Information correct as of June 2021.