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Kohey Takashima

EY World Entrepreneur Of The Year Class of 2021, Japan

Representative Director and CEO of Oisix ra daichi Inc.

Kohey Takashima tastes success with his organic food delivery service.

Photographic portrait of Kohey Takashima

Kohey Takashima

When Japanese demand for safe and organic food began to grow, Kohey Takashima was quick to offer a pioneering solution. In 2000, he founded Oisix ra daichi, an online organic grocery store. At the time, online shopping was a rarity, and he remembers everyone advising against the idea. But Kohey was determined and knew he wanted to grow a business that would have a positive impact on both sustainability and people’s lives.

Having a clear mission has helped him turn Oisix into a success story and pioneer in organic food. Today, the company is Japan’s largest meal kit and organic food delivery service, with 390,000 regular customers and a network of 4,000 food producers.

Kohey works directly with farmers to ensure quality and a fair price, explaining that “before the farmer sows seeds, we decide the quantity and price of the produce we will buy so farmers do not need to worry about fluctuation of market prices.” The company also works with farmers to mitigate waste and create a more sustainable business. Its approach has developed a network of over 4,000 loyal food producers.

Oisix has also grown through acquisitions and recently expanded into the United States with the purchase of Purple Carrot, the leading US vegan meal kit subscription service.

Eager to give back, Kohey has established the Future Food Fund to support food tech startups specializing in food supply, and he has worked with suppliers to donate food to over 500,000 medical professionals during the pandemic.

*Information correct as of June 2021.