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Matías Muchnick and Karim Pichara

EY World Entrepreneur Of The Year Class of 2021, Chile

Matías Muchnick, Co-Founder and CEO, and Karim Pichara, Co-Founder and CTO, of NotCo

Matías Muchnick and Karim Pichara launched a vegan startup using AI, with plans to revolutionize the food industry.

Photographic portrait of Matías Muchnick and Karim Pichara

Matías Muchnick and Karim Pichara

Chilean entrepreneurs Matías Muchnick and Karim Pichara are on a mission to save the planet, one ingredient at a time. Backed by a team of high-profile investors, their vegan startup NotCo uses artificial intelligence (AI) to make plant-based food that tastes the same as milk or meat and is also good for the planet.

Karim says their mission was to “create the first AI that solves an open problem which enables us to change the world.” No other company had yet succeeded in creating vegan foods that had the same flavors, colors and textures as meat or milk. Using an algorithm that analyzes animal-based products at a molecular level, NotCo can replicate meat and milk products using plant products. The production process of foods such as NotMilk and NotBurger uses less water and energy than animal products and produces significantly lower CO2 emissions.

NotCo’s products are currently available in Chile, Argentina, Brazil and the United States, and they can be found at popular fast food chains. Matías and Karim have big plans to expand around the globe, believing their company holds the key to not only changing the food system, but to helping make a significant impact on the sustainability of our planet.

*Information correct as of June 2021.