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Pedro Bueno

EY World Entrepreneur Of The Year Class of 2021, Brazil

Pedro Bueno, President of Dasa

Pedro Bueno is on a mission to transform Brazil’s health care system.

Photographic portrait of Pedro Bueno

Pedro Bueno

In 2017, Pedro Bueno was the CEO of Dasa and leading the company’s digital transformation. But when his father died, he saw the flaws in the health care system up close. Determined to make health care more patient-centered, Pedro has transformed Dasa into Brazil’s leading health care services company. 

Pedro started out in the family health insurance business and then spent two years in investment banking before becoming CEO at Dasa. He led a merger with a network of hospitals, transforming the company into the second largest group of independent private hospitals in Brazil. Today, Dasa has more than 40,000 employees and 900 diagnostic laboratories, and it takes care of more than 20 million Brazilians each year. Using a high-tech plus high-touch approach, Dasa believes in a health journey that integrates diagnostic medicine, highly complex hospitals, genomics, oncology, care coordination, primary and secondary care, telemedicine and emergency care. It also proposes a frictionless navigation of the health journey for both patients and doctors, while including integrated corporate health solutions, through Dasa Empresas.

Pedro’s ambition is “to make a difference in our patients’ and doctors’ lives, anticipating diagnoses, identifying early diseases and improving treatments.” In the past year, Dasa has played a key role in testing and developing a vaccine for COVID-19. 

*Information correct as of June 2021.