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Jos De Vuyst

EY World Entrepreneur Of The Year Class of 2021, Belgium

Jos De Vuyst, CEO of Stow

Jos de Vuyst has stocked up years of success with his leading storage company.

Photographic portrait of  Jos De Vuyst

Jos De Vuyst

Jos De Vuyst has guided Stow through various phases of growth since joining the company 31 years ago. Stow is a major player in the storage and shelving sector, and Jos has led the business through its initial stage as a family enterprise, then as part of a listed company and onto its current iteration as a joint private equity venture. One thing that has remained constant throughout these changes is Jos’ ambition and ability to take on the competition.

When Jos took over the daily operations at Stow, there was already a strong existing sector for storage, with one company occupying 80% of the Belgian market. Jos was undeterred and believed that, with innovation and new technology, he could successfully compete. He sums it up as, “Can we do this better and faster? Yes!” Today, Stow is a European leader in industrial storage equipment, employing 1,750 people. The group has 10 industrial sites, 19 sales offices and a vast network of distributors.

Jos believes that entrepreneurs can turn opportunity into sustainable value creation: “The more value they can create through innovation and technology, the better for all stakeholders in our society.”  His next goal is to grow Stow into a €1b net sales company, and he has his sights set on breaking into the US market.

*Information correct as of June 2021.