Happy friends talking while sitting on grassy field

The City Citizen

In “The city citizen” podcast series, city leaders join EY professionals to explore how mayors, businesses and governments are transforming their cities to become better places to live, work and play.

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09 Episodes

Podcast Series

Presenters Meghan Mills

In this series

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How Cape Town became a world leader in water reduction

In this episode of The city citizen podcast, the Mayor of Cape Town, Geordin Hill-Lewis, tells Meghan Mills how averting “Day Zero” led to a new strategy for water resilience.

Episode 9

16m 38s


Meghan Mills

EY Global Government & Public Sector Strategy & Operations Leader; EY Global Sustainability and Green Economies Leader and Future Cities Co-Leader

Geordin Hill-Lewis

Mayor of Cape Town

How data and community engagement can create more equitable cities

In this episode of The city citizen podcast, the speakers explore how leaders can improve equity and resilience to deliver better outcomes for all.

Episode 8

19m 04s


Meghan Mills

EY Global Government & Public Sector Strategy & Operations Leader; EY Global Sustainability and Green Economies Leader and Future Cities Co-Leader

Why collaboration and accountability are key to achieving climate goals

In episode seven of The City Citizen, former CFO and Treasurer for the City of Toronto, Heather Taylor discusses achieving effective budget outcomes with Meghan Mills.

Episode 7

14m 52s


Meghan Mills

EY Global Government & Public Sector Strategy & Operations Leader; EY Global Sustainability and Green Economies Leader and Future Cities Co-Leader

Heather Taylor

Partner, Assurance Services, Ernst & Young LLP

How creative thinking and bold action are transforming Port of Spain

In the sixth episode of The City Citizen, Joel Martinez, Mayor of Trinidad’s Port of Spain, talks to EY’s Meghan Mills about applying innovative approaches to rejuvenate the city.

Episode 6

10m 48s


Meghan Mills

EY Global Government & Public Sector Strategy & Operations Leader; EY Global Sustainability and Green Economies Leader and Future Cities Co-Leader

How Warsaw is becoming a sustainable city for all

In this episode of The City Citizen podcast, Michał Olszewski, Warsaw’s Deputy Mayor, describes the city’s efforts to improve the quality of life for all citizens.

Episode 05

12m 25s


Meghan Mills

EY Global Government & Public Sector Strategy & Operations Leader; EY Global Sustainability and Green Economies Leader and Future Cities Co-Leader

How one city is creating partnerships to realize growth and climate goals

In the fourth episode of The City Citizen, Kate Gallego, Mayor of Phoenix, talks to Meghan Mills about Phoenix’s journey to become the most sustainable desert city in the US.

Episode 4

15m 39s


Meghan Mills

EY Global Government & Public Sector Strategy & Operations Leader; EY Global Sustainability and Green Economies Leader and Future Cities Co-Leader

How hosting the Olympics is helping a fast-growing city meet its needs

In the third episode of The City Citizen, Adrian Schrinner, Lord Mayor of Brisbane, talks to Meghan Mills about realizing the opportunities of hosting the 2032 Summer Olympics and Paralympic Games.

Episode 3

22m 09s


Meghan Mills

EY Global Government & Public Sector Strategy & Operations Leader; EY Global Sustainability and Green Economies Leader and Future Cities Co-Leader

How one city used leadership, culture and collaboration to drive change

In the second episode of The City Citizen, Meghan Mills shares the secrets of Helsingborg’s sustainable transformation with its former Mayor, Peter Danielsson, and Gerald Babel-Sutter, co-founder and CEO of Urban Future.

Episode 2

17m 56s


Meghan Mills

EY Global Government & Public Sector Strategy & Operations Leader; EY Global Sustainability and Green Economies Leader and Future Cities Co-Leader