Innovation hub

Decoding Innovation podcast series

Supported by the EY-Nottingham Spirk Innovation Hub, the Decoding Innovation podcast series explores the groundbreaking technologies, business models and ideas that are shaping the future of industries.

Listen as we meet with stakeholders at the cutting edge to discuss issues around innovation, disruption and importance of ecosystems.

This podcast is available on Apple PodcastsSpotify, Google Podcasts and YouTube.

Go from concept to commercialization at the EY-Nottingham Spirk Innovation Hub

The EY-Nottingham Spirk Innovation Hub is an innovation ecosystem that partners with you to drive strategy to execution, helping you identify new offerings and bring them to life. With rapid modeling and on-site prototyping, we deliver on the promise of end-to-end innovation with a proven 95% commercialization success rate. Together, we can turn great ideas into real business outcomes.

25 Episodes

Podcast Series



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