Health experience redefined

Health sciences and wellness industries must embrace people’s willingness to accept technology as a mainstream part of care provision.

Embrace the next wave of health

How can data unlock greater value in an intelligent health ecosystem?


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Health sciences has transformed beyond all recognition over the last century. Today, the explosion in data and technological innovation enables us to reimagine care as a patient-centered, personalized health experience. Generating actionable insights via AI will be pivotal in the move from data to value.

BioPharma and MedTech companies must unlock the power of data by sharing and connecting datasets to champion innovation and new products. Most importantly, the success of an organization’s future will be measured by how personalized its contribution to the health experience becomes.

Read our newest report for a detailed exploration of the intelligent health ecosystem and how organizations must harness it: The Intelligent Health Ecosystem.

Topics explored in the report include:

  • When the human body is the biggest data platform, how will you create value?
  • How can targeted interventions with better outcomes be measured by stakeholders and thus valued?
  • How will you utilize AI technologies to make healthcare more human?
Unlocking the power of data is key to delivering personalized healthcare. Smart health systems of tomorrow will require an inclusive operating model supported by all stakeholders in the value chain.
Christian S. Johansen
Partner, Head of Life Science sector Nordics, EY Denmark

We urge companies to examine five key trends as they consider the deployment of their human and financial capital and make an effort toward redefining the Health Experience.

Welcome to the age of the “Health Experience”

Report from 2021: Five trends redefining the health sciences and wellness operating model

Download the report and watch the comments in the video below

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